Page 211 - Services Selection Board (SSB) Interviews
P. 211
Statement and Course of Action 207
1. ConCept AppliCAtor
Directions (Qs. 1-10): In each question below is given Courses of action: I. The Principal of the school
a statement followed by two course of action number should contact the parents of those students and
I and II. A course of action is a step or administrative inform them with a real warning for future.
decision to the taken for improvement follow- up further II. Some disciplinary action must be taken against
action in regard to the problem policy, etc. on the basis of those students for the awareness of all the other
information given in the statement to be true then decided students. [RRB]
which of the suggested courses of action logically follow 6. Statement: There has been a significant drop in the
(s) for pursing. water level of all the lakes supplying water to the city.
Give answer: Courses of action: I. The water supply authority
(a) if only course of action I is follows. should impose a partial cut in supply to tackle the
(b) if only course of action II is follows. II. The government should appeal to all the
(c) if either course of action I or II is follows. residents through mass media for minimal use
(d) if neither course of action I nor II is follows. of water.
(e) if both course of action I and II are follows. 7. Statement: As many as ten coaches of a passenger
1. Statement: The Officer Incharge of a company had train have derailed and blocked both pairs of the
a hunch that some money was missing from the safe. railway tracks.
Courses of action: I. He should get it recounted Courses of action: I. The railway authorities
with the help of the staff and check it with the balance should immediately send men and equipment to the
sheet. spot to clear the railway tracks
II. He should inform the police II. All the trains running in both the directions
2. Statement: The ground water in the locality has should be diverted to other routes. [BANK PO]
been found to contain high level of arsenic making it 8. Statement: India has been continuously
dangerous to drink. experiencing military threats from its neighbouring
Courses of action: I. The people living in the countries.
area should be shifted to another area to avoid a Courses of action: I. India should engage into an
catastrophic situation. all out war to stop the nagging threats.
II. The government should make arrangements II. India should get the neighbours into a serious
for supply of safe drinking water. [BANK. PO] dialogue to reduce the tension at its borders.
3. Statement: A large number of employees have [SBI PO]
gone on a mass casual leave in protest against the 9. Statement: There has been less than forty percent
company’s new recruitment policy. voter turn out in the recent assembly elections.
Courses of action: I. The company should Courses of action: I. The election commission
immediately withdraw the recruitment policy. should cancel the entire election process as the votes
II. All these employees should immediately suspen- cast are not adequate to represent people.
ded from their service. [Agriculture Officers] II. The election commission should take away the
4. Statement: A large cache of live ammunition has voting rights of those who did not exercise their
been found in the scrap yard of a local steel factory. rights. [BANK PO]
Courses of action: I. The steel factory should 10. Statement: Many medical and engineering
immediately be closed down till all these ammunitions graduates are taking up jobs in administrative
are located and shifted to safe places. services and in banks
II. The government should immediately set up Courses of action: I. All the professionals should
an enquiry to unearth the details and take be advised to refrain from taking up such jobs.
The government should appoint a committee
corrective measures to avoid such incidence in to find out the reasons for these professionals
future. [BANK PO] taking up such jobs and to suggest remedial
5. Statement: A group of school students was reported measures [BANK PO]
to be enjoying at a picnic sport during school hours.