Page 213 - Services Selection Board (SSB) Interviews
P. 213

Statement and Course of Action                                                                      209
                 Course of action:  I. The principal of the school   (d)  if neither I nor II follows.
                should be arrested immediately.                  (e)  if both I and II follow.
                II.     The Govt. should immediately order closure of   11.  Statement: An increasing number of farmers prefer
                     the school permanently.                          to avail loans from local money leaders instead of
            8.   Statement: Two local passenger train collided while   the bank owing to complicated paperwork involved
                running of opposites directions on the same track as   in banks.
                the signalling system failed for a brief period.      Course of action I: Local money  leaders who
                 Course of action: I. The services of the motormen    charge interest rates lower than the bank should be
                of the train should immediately be terminated.        punished

                II.     The Govt. should immediately constitute a task      II.     Bank should simplify the procedure to avail of
                     force to review the functioning of the signalling    loans so as to suit the farmers.
                     system                                      12.  Statement: A major river in the city was reduced
            9.   Statement: Almost ninety per cent of the fights of   to a polluted and dirty canal after tonnes of sewage
                one of the private airline companies were cancelling   made way into it over the years.
                for the fourth consecutive day as the pilots refused      Course of action I: All those who dumped garbage
                to join their duties in protest against sacking of two   and sewage into the river should be penalized.
                of their colleagues by the airline management.        II.     The Government should modify the sewage
                 Course of action:  I. The management  of the             system and find an alternate way to dump the
                airline companies should be ordered by the Govt.          city’s waste.
                to immediately reinstate the sacked pilots to end the   13.  Statement: Water table in most part of the State
                crisis.                                               has gone down to such a level that its extraction for
                II.     The Govt. should immediately  take steps to   irrigation purpose is not economical any more.
                     end the impasse between the management and       Course of action I: Extraction of ground water for
                     the pilots to help the hapless passengers.       any purpose in the state should be banned for some
            10.  Statement:  A major part of the local  market in     time in order to replenish the water table.
                the city was gutted due  to a short circuit causing      II.     The Government should made provisions for
                extensive damage to goods and property.                   alternative method of irrigation so that the
                 Course of action: I. The Govt. should issue strict       farmers are not compelled to use ground water.
                guidelines  for all established regarding  installation   14.  Statement: A university librarian reported increase
                and maintenance of electrical fittings.               cases of theft of books from the library.
                II.     The Government should relocate all the markets      Course of action I: Stricter security arrangements
                     to the outskirts of the city.                    should  be put  in  place  in  order  to prevent  such
            Direction (Qs. 11-15): In each question below is given    incidents.
            a statement followed by two course of action number       II.     All the students in  the university should be
            I and II. A course of action is a step or administrative      made to pay a hefty fine in order to replace the
            decision to the taken for improvement follow-up further       lost books.
            action in regard to the problem policy, etc. on the basis of
            information given in the statement to be true then decided   15.  Statement:  Indigenous tribes living near Amazon
            which of the suggested courses of action logically follow   forest are cutting down the trees to cover their basic
            (s) for pursing.              [Syndicate Bank (PO)]       needs, thus severely affecting the ecological balance
                                                                      in the computer.
            Give answer:
                                                                      Course of action:  I.  All the tribes  living near
            (a)  if only I follows.                                   Amazon rain forest should be forced to shift to urban
            (b)  if only II follows.                                  areas of the country.
            (c)  if either I or II follows.
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