Page 217 - Services Selection Board (SSB) Interviews
P. 217

Statement and Course of Action                                                                      213

                                         Answer with Solution

                                                  Concept Applicator

            1.  (a) Clearly, a suspicion first needs to be confirmed   6.  (e) The situation can be tackled by periodic cuts in
                and only when it is confirmed, should an action be    supply, and urging people to conserve water. O, both
                taken. So, only course I follows.                     the courses follow.
            2.  (b) Clearly,  the contamination  of  ground water   7.  (e) The situation demands first diverting other trains
                doesn’t provide sufficient grounds  to shift people   to different routes so as to avert any accident, and
                to other areas.  The problem demands creating         then clearing the tracks as soon as possible. Thus,
                awareness among people of the dangers of drinking     both the courses follows.
                contaminated water and arranging to provide them   8.  (b) clearly, war is the last resort. First, peaceful talks
                safe drinking water. Thus, only course II follows.    and negotiations should be indulged in, to settle the
            3.  (d) Here, the problem is one of mutual disagreement.   issues of dispute. So, only course II follows.
                So, extreme measures as getting rid of the policy or   9.  (d) Re-election would demand repeated expenses
                employees  protesting against it, won’t  help. It  can   and  following  course II would reduce  the voter
                best be solved by finding a middle path via mutual    base permanently. Instead, an awareness should be
                talks. Thus, neither I nor II follows.                created among the people to use their right to vote
            4.  (e) Clearly, such a finding demands a probe into the   effectively. So, neither I nor II follows.
                matter along with sealing of the premises for further   10.  (b) Following course I would be an infringement of
                checks to avoid any mishap. Thus, both the courses    the right to freedom of individuals. However, if the
                of action I and II follow.                            lackening of their respective fields are found out and
            5.  (e) Clearly, such students who bank schools should    removed, the professionals would surely give up the
                be punished so that other students do not indulge     idea of opting for other jobs. Hence, only course II
                in the same. Also, their parents should be informed   follows.
                about the same so that they are not let free in future.
                Thus, both I and II follow.

                                                    Concept Builder

            Solution for 1 to 5                                  Solution for 6 to 10
            1.  (b) The first course of action does not match the scale   6.  (b) II is the immediate course of action while I can be
                of the problem. The problem is not so big as to merit   implemented a bit later.
                a govt enquiry. It is enough that the civic body take   7.  (d) Both of these are extreme action.
                action and hence II follows.                     8.  (b) Motormen should not be made the scapegoat for
            2.  (e) I will help in cure while II will help in prevention.  the failure of the signalling system.
            3.  (a) II  is an extreme action and hence does not   9.  (b) If the govt goes for I, it would impinge on the
                follows. I is a proper  course of action. Note that   autonomy of the private sector.
                taking immediate steps is not the same immediate   10.  (a) I follows as a measure of caution. But II won’t
                removal of the constructions. Which may again have    solve the problem: poor electrical fittings would
                been considered to be extreme course of action.
                                                                      wreak havoc wherever the market be.
            4.  (d) if the rainfall is normal. It does not mean we would   Solution for 11 to 15
                deprive the farmers of his due. The action may be
                deemed to be correct only if we know that they are   11.  (b) I is simply absurd. II follows as a solution to be
                the reversal of policies which has been framed during   complicated paperwork.
                crisis years.                                    12.  (b) I is easier said than done. Even I makes sense
            5.  (d) Both are extreme courses of action.               only when the govt goes for II.
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