Page 215 - Services Selection Board (SSB) Interviews
P. 215

Statement and Course of Action                                                                      211

              4. ConCept deviAtor

            Directions  (Qs.  1-5): Each of these questions has a      Courses of Action:
            statement followed by three suggested courses of Action      I.     Non-airport  bound vehicles should not be
            numbered I, II and III. Assume everything in the statement    allowed to fly on the road connecting the city
            to be true, and decide which of the given Courses of          and the airport.
            action logically follows for pursuing.                    II.     The departure and arrival of flights should be
            1.   Statement: Drinking water supply to New Bombay           regulated so as to avoid congestion during peak
                has been suspended  till further orders from              hours.
                Maharashtra  pollution  Control  Board  following      (a)  Only I follows   (b)  Only I and II follow
                pollution of patal ganga river, caused by discharge
                of effluents from some chemical industries.           (c)  Only II follows    (d)  All follow
                Courses of Action:                                    (e)  None follows
                I.    The  industries  responsible  for discharging   4.   Statement: Due to cancellation of a huge export
                                                                      order  for not adhering  to the frame the company
                     effluents into the river should be asked to close
                     down immediately.                                is  likely to  get  into incurring losses  in the current
                                                                      financial year.
                II.     The river water should immediately be treated
                     chemically before resuming supply.               Courses of Action:
                III.   The pollution Control Board should check the      I.     The officer –in-charge of the production should
                     nature of effluents being discharged  into the       be immediately suspended.
                     river by industries at regular intervals.        II.     The goods manufactured for the export order
                (a)  All follow        (b)  Only II and III follow        should be sold to other party.
                (c)  Only I follows    (d)  Only III follows          III.   The company should change its machinery to
                (e)  none of these                                        maintain the time frame.
            2.   Statement: The  Department  of Education  has        (a)  None follows
                recommended  that the primary level admission         (b)  Only I and II follow
                to Government  and Government aided schools           (c)  Only II and III follows
                should be done purely random selection and not by      (d)  All follow
                admission tests. This is necessitated as the number of      (e)  None of these
                admission seekers are much more than the available   5.   Statement: A devastatomg earthquake has ravaged
                seats.                                                the city killing  hundreds of people  and  rendering
                Courses of Action:                                    many more homeless.
                I.    The Government should instruct the private      Courses of Action:
                     schools also to follow the same practice.        I.     The entry of outsiders into the city should be
                II.     The Government should set up an independent       stopped
                     body to regulate the primary level admissions.     II.     The civic administration should  immediately
                III.   The schools should be asked to select student      make alternate temporary hous in arrangement
                     only from those who stay in the neighbouring         for the victims.
                     areas of the school.                             III.   The affected people should immediately  be
                (a)  None follows      (b)  Only I and II follow          shifted to a safer place.
                (c)  Only I follows    (d)  Only III follow           (a)  Only I follows
                (e)  None of these
                                                                      (b)  Only II follows
            3.   Statement: The vehicular traffic has increased so      (c)  Only II and III follow
                much in the recent past that it takes at least two      (d)  Either II or III follows
                hours to travel between the city and airport during
                peak hours.                                           (e)  All follows
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