Page 216 - Services Selection Board (SSB) Interviews
P. 216
212 Statement and Course of Action
Directions (6-10): In each question, statement is II. The catching of shrimps from the ponds should
followed by three course of action numbered I, II and III. temporaily be stopped.
Assume everything in the statement to be true. Decide III. The fishermen should be asked to watch for the
which of the three given suggested course of actions onset of such phenomenon in nature.
logically follows for pursuing. (a) Only I follows (b) All follows
6. Statement: In one the worst accidents on a railway (c) Only I and II follows (d) Only II and III follow
level crossing, fifty people died when a bus carrying (e) None of these
them collided with a running train.
9. Statement: The weather bureau has through a
Courses of Action: recent bulletin forecast heavy rainfall during the next
I. The train driver should immediately be week which may cause water logging in several parts
suspended. of the city.
II. The driver of the bus should be tried in court Course of Action:
for negligence on his part. I. The bulletin should be given wide publicity
III. The railways authorities should be asked to through the mass media.
man all its level crossings. II. The civic authority should keep in readiness
(a) None crossing (b) Only II follows the pumping system for removal of water from
(c) Only I and II follow (d) Only II and III follow these parts.
(e) None of these III. The people should be advised to stay indoors
7. Statement: There was a spurt in criminal activities during the period.
in the city during the recent festival season. (a) None follows
Course of action: (b) Only II follows
I. The police should immediately investigate into (c) Only I and II follows
the cause of this increases. (d) Only II and III follow
II. In future the police should take adequate (e) All follows
precautions to avoid recurrence of such a 10. Statement: Nuclear power cannot make a country
situation during festivals.
III. The known criminals should be arrested before Course of Action:
any such person.
(a) None follows (b) Only II and II follows I. We must stop further expenses on increasing
our nuclear power.
(c) Only I and II follows (d) All follow II. We must destroy our nuclear capability
(e) Only I follows
III. We must concentrate on improving our
8. Statement: A mass mortality of shrimps in ponds diplomatic relations.
on entire Andhra coast has recently been reported
due to the presence of a varius. (a) only II follows
(b) only I and II follows
Course of Action:
(c) only III follows
I. The water of the ponds affected should (d) Only I follows
immediately be treated for identifying the (e) None follows
nature of the virus.