Page 204 - Services Selection Board (SSB) Interviews
P. 204
200 Statement and Arguments
4. ConCept deviAtor
1. Statement: Should all the management institutes in (d) Only I and IV are strong
the country be brought under government control? (e) None is strong. [Bank PO]
Arguments: I. No. The government does not have 4. Statement: Should there be reservation of jobs in
adequate resources to run such institutes effectively. the organizations in the private sector also as in the
II. No. Each institute should be given freedom to public sector undertakings in India?
function on its own. Arguments: I. Yes. This would give more
III. Yes. This will enable to have standardized opportunities of development to the weaker sections
education for all the students of the society and thus help reduce the gap between
IV. Yes. Only then the quality of education would the affluent and the downtrodden in India.
be improved. II. No. The private sector does not get any
(a) None is strong government assistance and therefore they
(b) Only I, II and III are strong should not be saddled with such policies.
(c) Only I and III are strong III. No. Nowhere else in the world such a practice is
(d) All are strong being followed.
(e) Only III are strong [Bank PO] IV. No. the management of the private sector
2. Statement: Should the consumption of aerated undertaking would not agree to such compulsions.
drinks be banned in India? (a) Only I is strong
Arguments: I. Yes. This is the only way to reduce (b) Only I and II are strong
the risk of exposing people to some diseases (c) Only I, II and IV are strong
II. No. Each individual should have right to choose (d) Only I and IV are strong
what he wants. (e) All are strong. [RBI]
III. No. There is no confirmed evidence that such 5. Statement: Should class IV children have Board
products have adverse effect on human body. examination?
IV. Yes. It is banned in many other countries also. Arguments: I. Yes. This will motivate the children
(a) Only I is strong to study and get higher marks, and thus more
(b) Only I and II are strong knowledge can be imbibed at a younger age.
(c) Only III is strong II. No. The children will be forced to study and
(d) Only I and IV are strong won’t enjoy the process.
(e) All are strong [Bank PO] III. Yes. In today’s competitive world the children
3. Statement: Should all the youngsters below 21 need to be prepared right from the beginning
years of age be disallowed from going to a beer bar? to face such difficult examinations.
Arguments: I. No. it is not correct to prevent IV. No. This will add pressure on tender aged
matured youngsters above 18 years of age who can children and leave very little time for them to
vote, from having fun. play.
II. Yes. The entry fees to such pubs should also be (a) All are strong
hiked. (b) Only I, II and IV are strong
III. No. There is no such curb in western countries (c) Only II, III and IV are strong
IV. Yes. This will help in preventing youngsters (d) Only I and III are strong
from getting into bad company and imbibing (e) Only I and IV are strong.
bad habits 6. Statement: Should people with educational
(a) Only I is strong qualification higher than the optimum requirements
(b) Only I and III are strong be debarred from seeking jobs?
(c) Only III and IV are strong Arguments: I. No. It will further aggravate the