Page 249 - Services Selection Board (SSB) Interviews
P. 249

Cubes                                                                                               245
            38.  How many cubes are painted with red or blue but      (a)  only (i) & (ii)   (b)  Only (ii) & (iii)
                not green?                                            (c)  all three         (d)  None of these
                (a)  55or 65           (b)  72 or 66             44.  If number of cubes painted on exactly one face with
                (c)  55 or 60          (d)  None of these             colour 1 and colour 2 is 150, then how many cubes
            39.  Which of the following statement is correct          are painted with only colour 4?
                (i)  At least 1 cube is painted with red, green and      (a)  45             (b)  72
                     blue.                                            (c)  18                (d)  75
                (ii)  At most 1 cube is painted with red, green and   45.  Of all the removed cubes which one of the following
                     blue.                                            could  be the number  of cubes with exactly 2face
                (iii)  At most 6 cubes are painted with red and green.   painted after 3 steps?
                (iv)  At least 6 cubes are painted with red and green.      (a)  112         (b)  114
                (a)  Only (i) & (iii)   (b)  Only (ii) & (iii)        (c)  116               (d)  118
                (c)  Only (ii) & (iv)   (d)  None of these       Direction (Qs. 46-50) : A big cube is painted with three
            40.  How many cubes are painted with red, blue, green   colours red, green and blue such that each of the colour
                and black?                                       is on two faces. Now this cube is cut into 105 identical
                (a)  8                 (b)  2                    cuboids.
                (c)  1                 (d)  None of these        46.  If number of cuboids with exactly 2 faces painted is
            Direction  (Qs. 41-45)  : N^3 number  of cubes of         44 then how many cubes are painted on exactly 1
            similar size are arranged in the form of a bigger cube (N   face.
            cubes on each side, i. e. , N × N× N) and kept at the      (a)  51               (b)  57
            corner of a room, all the exposed surfaces are painted
            with colour 1, then all the coloured smaller  cubes are      (c)  48             (d)  None of these
            removed and all the exposed surfaces are painted with   47.  If number of cuboids with exactly 3 faces painted is 4
            colour 2, then all the coloured smaller cubes are removed   then how many cubes are painted on exactly 1 face.
            and all the exposed surfaces are painted with colour 3,      (a)  51 or 65       (b)  57 or 66
            this process is repeated ‘K’ number of times.             (c)  33 or 65          (d)  None of these
            41.  If number of cubes painted with colour 3 is 217 then   48.  If number of cuboids with exactly 2 faces painted is
                how many cubes are painted with colour5               36 then how many cubes are painted on exactly 1
                (a)  125               (b)  127                       face.
                (c)  64                (d)  None of these             (a)  46 or 65          (b)  57 or 66
            42.  If after 7  step number of cubes painted in exactly 2      (c)  33 or 65    (d)  None of these
                faces with colour 7 is 21, then what is the number of   49.  If number of cuboids with exactly 1 face painted is 57
                cubes removed in 3  step.                             then how many cubes are painted on exactly 2faces.
                (a)  469               (b)  455                       (a)  46                (b)  57
                (c)  433               (d)  None of these             (c)  44                (d)  None of these
            43.  Which of the following can be the number of cubes   50.  If number of cuboids with exactly 1 face painted is 44
                removed from the original N  number of cubes.         then how many cubes are painted on exactly 2 faces.
                (i)  37                (ii)  61                       (a)  46                (b)  57
                (iii)  98
                                                                      (c)  44                (d)  None of these
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