Page 254 - Services Selection Board (SSB) Interviews
P. 254

250                                                                                                Cubes
            32.  (c) We will  evaluate  the  value  of ‘K’ in  each  and      Case (v): In this case number of cubes is given by 25
                every case:                                           cubes from 1 face and 5 cubes from common edge
                Case (i): In this case number of cubes is all 8 corner   so number of cubes is 25 × 2 + 5 = 55
                ones so number of cubes is 8                          Hence option (a) gives the all possible value of ‘K’
                Case (ii): In this case number of cubes is 4 corner   35.  (c) From the solution of previous question required
                ones so number of cubes is 4                          number of cubes is 3 × 50 = 150 or 3 × 55 = 165
                Case (iii): In this case number of cubes is 4 corner   Solution for 36–40:
                ones so number of cubes is 4                     Here on each face 6 × 6 = 36 cubes that are painted with
                Case (iv): In this case number of cubes is 4 corner   one colour.
                ones so number of cubes is 4                     36.  (b) Case (i): When red and blue are adjacent to each

                Case (v): In this case number of cubes is 2 corner    other then from one face we will get 6 × 6 = 36
                ones so number of cubes is 2                          cubes but out of them 6 cubes from common edge
                Hence option (C) gives the all possible value of ‘K’  is common so number of cubes are 2 × 6 × 6 – 6 =
            33.  (b) We will evaluate  the value  of ‘K’ in each and      Case (ii): When red and blue are opposite to each
                every case:                                           other then required number of cubes is 2 × 6 × 6 =
                Case (i): In this case number of cubes is given by 4   72
                common edges so number of cubes is 7 × 4 = 28    37.  (a) Case (i): when these three colour are adjacent to
                Case (ii): In this case number of cubes is given by   each other then from one face we will get 6 × 6 =
                4 common edges, out of these 4 edges there are 2      36 cubes but out of them 6 × 3 = 18 cubes from
                corner cubes common with these 4 edges so number      common edge is common so number of cubes are
                of cubes is 7 × 4 – 2 = 26                            3 × 6 × 6 – 6 × 3 = 90
                Case (iii): In this case number of cubes is given by 2      Case (ii): When red and blue are opposite to each
                common edges so number of cubes is 7 × 2 = 14.        other (or any two of the given three) then required
                Case (iv): In this case number of cubes is given by   number of cubes is 3 × 6 × 6 – 2 × 6 = 96
                4 common edges, out of these 4 edges there are 2   38.  (c) Case (i): When red and blue are opposite to each
                corner cubes common with these 4 edges so number      other then from one face we will get 6 × 6 = 36
                of cubes is 7 × 4 – 2 = 26                            cubes but out of them 2 × 6 cubes from common
                Case (v): In this case number of cubes is given by    edge with green painted face is common so number
                3 common edges, out of these 3 edges there are 2      of cubes are 2 × 6 × 6 – 2 × 6 = 60
                corner cubes common with these 4 edges so number      Case (ii): When red and blue are adjacent to each
                of cubes is 7 × 3 – 3 = 18                            other then green  is either  adjacent to these or
                Hence option (b) gives the all possible value of ‘K’  opposite to any one of red or blue, in 1  condition
                                                                      number of cubes is 2 × 6 × 6 – 2 × 6 – 11 = 55
            34.  (a) We will evaluate  the value  of ‘K’ in each  and   cubes or in 2  condition 2 × 6 × 6 – 6 – 6 = 60,
                every case:                                           required number of cubes is 55 or 60
                Case (i): In this case number of cubes is given by 25   39.  (b) From solution of previous questions statements
                cubes from 1 face so number of cubes is 25 × 2 =      (ii) and (iii) are correct.
                50                                               40.  (d) None of the cubes can be painted in four faces.
                Case (ii): In this case number of cubes is given by 25   Solution for 41–45:
                cubes from 1 face so number of cubes is 25 × 2 =   Consider the 1  step,  initial number of cubes N  after
                                                                 removal of 1  set of coloured cubes number of cubes left
                Case (iii): In this case number of cubes is given by 25   out is (N – 1)  hence number of cubes removed in 1  step
                cubes from 1 face and 5 cubes from common edge   (i.e with colour 1) is
                so number of cubes is 25 × 2 + 5 = 55                 N – (N – 1) = 3N – 3N +1
                Case (iv): In this case number of cubes is given by 25   Similarly number of cubes removed in 2  step (i.e with
                cubes from 1 face and 5 cubes from common edge   colour 2) is
                so number of cubes is 25 × 2 + 5 = 55
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