Page 377 - Services Selection Board (SSB) Interviews
P. 377

Miscellaneous Question Bank                                                                        QB-21
            Directions (Qs. 366 to 367): Two statements are           (c)  Only conclusion I follows
            given followed by two conclusions, assumptions,           (d)  Only conclusion II follows
            I and II. You have to consider the statement to      369. Statements:
            be true,  even  if it seems to be at  variance  from
            commonly known facts. You are to decide which of          1.   The human organism grows  and develops
            the given conclusions/assumptions can definitely              through stimulation and action.
            be drawn from the given statement. Indicate your          Conclusions:
            answer.                          [SSC CGL 2015]           I.   Inert human  organism  cannot  grow and
            366. Statement                                                develop.
                I.   All poets are day dreamers.                      II.   Human  organisms  dinst reach to stimulation
                                                                          and action.
                II.   All painters are day dreamers.                  (a)  Neither conclusion I nor II follows
                Conclusions:                                          (b)  Both conclusions I and II follow
                I.   All painters are poets.                          (c)  Only conclusion I follows
                II.   Some day dreamers are not painters.             (d)  Only conclusion II follows
                (a)  Neither I Nor II follows                    370. Statements:                [SSC CGL 2012]
                (b)  Both I and II follows                            1.   Due to contamination of water, large number of
                (c)  Only II follows                                      people were admitted to hospital.
                (d)  Only I follows                                   2.   The Symptoms were of typhoid.
            367. Statement                                                Conclusions:
                I.   Some men are good.                               I.   Contamination of water may lead to typhoid.
                II.   Some men are wise.                              II.   Typhoid is a contagions disease.
                Conclusions:                                          (a)  Neither conclusion I nor II follows
                I.   Some wise men are good.                          (b)  Both conclusions I and II follow
                II.   Some good men are wise.                         (c)  Only conclusion I follows
                (a)  Only II follows                                  (d)  Only conclusion II follows
                (b)  Only I follows                              371. Statements:                [SSC CGL 2012]
                                                                          60% of the government employees  went on

                (c)  Both I and II follow                                 strike.
                (d)  Neither I Nor II follows                         2.   Mr. Gopal is a government employee.
              STATEMENT AND CONCLUSION                                I.   Mr. Gopal went on strike.

                                                                      II.   Mr. Gopal did not participate on the strike.
            Directions (Qs. 368  to 369):  In the questions           (a)  Only I follows
            one/two  statements  are  given,  followed by  two        (b)  Only II follows
            conclusions I and  II. You  have  to  consider  the
            statements to be true, even if they seem to be at         (c)  Both conclusion I and II follows
            variance from commonly known facts. You have              (d)  Either conclusion I or II follows
            to decide which of the given conclusions, if any,    372. In each  of the  following  question,  there are two
            follow from the given statements.                         statements labelled as Assertion (A) and Reason (R).
                                             [SSC CGL 2012]                                        [SSC CGL 2013]
            368. Statements:                                          (A)  Autism is a developmental disability.
                                                                      (R)  Heridity and lower development of brain are the
                1.   Temple is a place of worship.                        causes of the Autism.
                2.   Church is also a place of worship.               (a)  Both (A) and (R) are false.
                Conclusions:                                          (b)  Both (A) and (R) are true.
                I.   Hindus and Christians use the same place for     (c)  (A) is true and (R) is false.
                     worship.                                         (d)  (A) is false and (R) is true.
                II.   All churches are temples.                  373. One statement is given followed by two Conclusions I
                                                                      and II. You have to consider the statement to be true,
                (a)  Neither conclusion I nor II follows              even if  it seems to be at variance from commonly
                (b)  Both conclusions I and II follow                 known facts. You are to decide which of the given
                                                                      conclusions can definitely be drawn from the given
                                                                      statement. Indicate your answer. [SSC CGL 2013]
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