Page 379 - Services Selection Board (SSB) Interviews
P. 379

Miscellaneous Question Bank                                                                        QB-23
            379. Statements:                                     384. Six members of a family namely A, B, C, D, E, F
                I.   The principal  will address the students at 10   are traveling  together. 'B' is the son of C but C is
                    a.m.                                              not mother of B. A and C are married couple. E is
                II.  You are requested to take your seats before 10   the brother  of C. D is the daughter  of A. F is the
                                                                      brother of B. How many male members are there in
                    a.m.                                              the family?                  [SSC CGL 2015]
                Assumptions:                                          (a)  4                 (b)  2
                I.   If the students is not on his seat before 10 a.m.      (c)  1           (d)  3
                    the function will not start.
                II.  The function will start as scheduled.       385. There are deer and peacocks in a zoo. By counting
                                                                      heads they are 80. The number of their legs is 200.
                (a)  Assumption I is implicit.                        How peacocks are there?      [SSC CGL 2015]
                (b)  Both I and II are implicit.                      (a)  30                (b)  50
                (c)  Neither I nor II is implicit.                    (c)  60                (d)  20
                (d)  Assumption II is implicit.                  386. Ann, Bill and Ken shared some stamps in the ratio
            380. Two  statements are given. You have to answer        2:3:4. After a game the ratio become 5:2:2. If Ann
                considering  the statement to be true, even if they   won 21 stamps how many did Ken lose?
                seem to be at variance from commonly known facts.                                  [SSC CGL 2015]
                                            [SSC CHSL 2015]           (a)  7                 (b)  28
                1.   James works in a factory.                        (c)  14                (d)  21
                2.   He gets a salary.                           387. Nikhil is 8 years younger  than his brother Rohan.
                                                                      How old will Rohan be when he is twice as old as
                (a)  James loves his work and his salary.             Nikhil?                    [SSC CHSL 2013]
                (b)  James gets paid for his work.                    (a)  4                 (b)  6
                (c)  James loves his salary.                          (c)  8                 (d)  16
                (d)  James likes to work in a factory.           388. If the day before yesterday was Wednesday, when
                                                                      will Sunday be?            [SSC CHSL 2013]
                  ARITHMETIC REASONING                                (a)  Today

            381. In a retail shop, theire were 54 cupboards, in each      (b)  Tomorrow
                cupboard,  28 racks were made. In each rack 10        (c)  Day after tomorrow
                boxes were kept. In each box 4 shirts were packed.
                One day 500 boxes were sold and 250 boxes were        (d)  Two days after tomorrow
                purchased. How many shirts were there on that day?  389. Ali had ` 320. He spent   3  of it to buy a watch. Of
                                             [SSC CGL 2013]                                 4
                (a)  59, 360           (b)  59, 580                                         1
                (c)  59, 480           (d)  60, 380                   the remainder, he used   8  of it to buy a pen. How
                                                                                                 [SSC CHSL 2015]
                                                                      much money is left?
            382. Mahesh is 60 years old. Ram is '5' years junior to      (a)  70             (b)  120
                Mahesh and '4' years seminor to Raju. The youngest
                brother of Raju is Babu and he is '6' years junior to      (c)  90           (d)  100
                him. What is the age difference between Mahesh and   390. A was  twice as old as B, two  years ago. If  the
                Babu?                        [SSC CGL 2013]           difference in their ages be 2 years, find A's age.
                (a)  18                (b)  15                                                   [SSC CHSL 2015]
                (c)  13                (d)  06                        (a)  8                 (b)  10
                                                                      (c)  4
                                                                                             (d)  6
            383. A train starts from station A and reaches B 15 minutes
                late when it moves with 40 km/hr and 24 minutes   391. If in a business, Alok gains 75% more profit than
                late when it goes 30 km/hr. The distance between      Akash, then by what percentage profit of Akash is
                                                                                                 [SSC CHSL 2015]
                                                                      less than the profit of Alok?
                the two stations is          [SSC CGL 2015]           (a)  42.85%            (b)  30.8%
                (a)  16 km             (b)  18 km
                (c)  21 km             (d)  24 km                     (c)  12.63%            (d)  25%
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