Page 378 - Services Selection Board (SSB) Interviews
P. 378

QB-22                                                                            Miscellaneous Question Bank
                Most  Indians are  aware that they have a great       II.  Victoria Memorial Hall is national property.
                heritages, but few would include science in it.       Conclusions:
                Conclusion:                                           I.   Indian museum is national property.
                I.   Many Indians consider science to  have made      II.  Historical property of nation is protected by the
                    Indian heritage great.                                Central Government.
                II.  Many Indians are not aware that India has a
                    great scientific heritage.                        (a)  Only conclusion I follows.
                (a)  Only Conclusion I follows                        (b)  Only conclusion II follows.
                (b)  Only Conclusion II follows                       (c)  Both conclusion I and II follow.
                (c)  Both Conclusions I and II follow                 (d)  None of the conclusion follows.
                (d)  Neither Conclusions I nor II follow
            Directions (Qs. 374 to 395): In the following        377. Directions: In the question two statements are given
            questions, one statement  is given  followed by           each followed by two conclusions, I and II. You have
            two Conclusions, I and II. You have to consider           to consider the statements to be true even if they
            the statement  to be true, even  if it seems to be        seem to be at variance from commonly known facts.
            at  variance  from commonly known facts. You              You have to decide which of the given conclusions,
            are to decide which of the given conclusions can          if any, follows from the given statements.
            definitely  be drawn  from the  given  statement.
            Indicate your answer.            [SSC CGL 2015]                                      [SSC CHSL 2015]
            374. Statement: Every school should  promote              Statement:
                partnerships that will increase parental involvement      1.   Some clerks are poor;
                and  participation  for promoting  the  growth of
                children.                                             2.   A is poor.
                Conclusions I : For  the growth  of the  children,    Conclusion:
                parents should be involved in various  school         I.   A is clerk.
                II: Involvement of parents in school activities has no      II.   A has a large family.
                influence on the growth of the children.              (a)  Both conclusions I and II
                (a)  Only I follows                                   (b)  Only conclusion II
                (b)  Only II follows                                  (c)  Only conclusion I follows.
                (c)  Neither I nor II follows                         (d)  Neither conclusion I nor conclusion II follows.
                (d)  Both I and II follow                        Directions (Qs. 378 to 380): Statements are given
            375. Statement: Aggressive animals can be trained    each  followed by two conclusions/ assumptions,
                with care and affection to behave as the occassion   I and II. You have to consider the statements to
                demands.                                         be true even if they seem to be at variance from
                Conclusions I : Trained dogs cannot be aggressive.  commonly known facts. You have to decide which
                II: Animals are always aggressive unless care and   of the given conclusions/assumptions, if any,
                affection is given to them.                      followd from the given statements.
                (a)  Only I follows                                                              [SSC CHSL 2015]
                (b)  Only II follows                             378. Statements:
                (c)  Neither I nor II follows                         I.   Regular  polygon  has equal  sides and  equal
                (d)  Both I and II follow                                 angles.
            Directions  Q.  376  :  Two  statements  are  given       II.  Square is a regular polygon.
            followed by two conclusions i and II. You have to
            consider the statements/inferenes to be true even         Conclusions:
            if they seem to be at variance from commonly              I.   Squqre has equal sides.
            known facts. You are  to decide  which  of the            II.  Square has equal angles.
            given conclusions, if any, follow from the given
            statements. Indicate your answer.                         (a)  Conclusion I follows.
                                            [SSC CHSL 2013]           (b)  Conclusion II follows.
            376. Statements:                                          (c)  Neither I or nor II follows.
                I.   For protection of Indian museums Central Govt.      (d)  Conclusions I & II both follows.
                    is responsible.
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