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              OF PEREMO

               1 .  PEOPLE

               Offering consultancy, training assessment, intervention
               and therapeutic support services for individuals,
               families and communities who are either; vulnerable to
               radicalisation and exploitation or subject to referral to the
               Channel Process. This service specialises in helping people
               with intellectual difficulties, neuro developmental disorders, or
               complex psychological or psychiatric needs.

               2 . ENVIRONMENT

               Assessing and offering protective security advice for dwellings, vulnerable
               sites and assets.
               Enhancing organisations resilience to terrorist attack.
               The development of Business Continuity Plans and Organisational policies.


               Promoting, identification, skill enhancement in understanding vulnerabilities
               and risk prevention.

               Identification and development of partnerships with communities, educational
               centres, health and social care providers and voluntary services.

               Resource and Organisational development.

               4 .  EVALUATION

               The service undertakes research, audit and evaluation of all the approaches,
               guidance and interventions.

               The development of toolkits and learning sets promote understanding,
               development of resilience and support systems in the protection and support
               for individuals, families, organisations and the wider community.
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