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Assessment and
2018/21 intervention for
individuals and
their family.
This unique service addresses the needs of families and individuals who have
complex needs which makes them vulnerable to extremism and radicalisation
by groups and individuals classified as a risk of terrorism.
Psychological assessment The clinic based programme enables
intervention and therapeutic the unique ability to offer an
support is delivered by Specialist assessment service and intervention.
Practitioners and Therapists with The referral process is outlined later
Systemic Family Therapy and Trauma in this business case and reflects the
Specialist expertise. The focus of the access and assurance of effective
service is as a therapeutic prevention intervention by the right person, in
strategy and whilst referrals may the right way, in the right time.
come from many primary and
community services, it aims to The service does not intend to
enable referrals also to come from replace access to statutory services
non-statutory services. and aims to enable integration and
effective partnership working with
Cases that are referred via the all services in the pathway of care for
Channel process will be governed people at risk.
and inclusive of the current multi-
agency team within Channel. As The evaluation and monitoring
such they will be captured under of this specific part of the model
the risk management strategy in is based on the professional
the protection of the individual, the registration standards and codes of
therapist and the families. conduct set by the Psychological
Therapists governing bodies. This
The existing psychological therapy will also be subject to independent
services, based within ORCA group, review at key strategic points with
has a range of practitioners and emphasis on feedback from both the
therapists with multi professional individuals, families and communities
backgrounds. The service will focus we support.
on addressing vulnerabilities that
lead to significant mental health The service will engage the Care
problems and/or learning difficulties. Quality Commission using an
The service recognises this profile Assurance eFramework which will
often leads individuals to become open the service to annual checks
vulnerable to others, with significant to demonstrate compliance and
risk of being radicalised. assurance in the protection of
vulnerable people.