Page 3 - Peremo_brochure_Flip3
P. 3


                                                                               WE AIM TO:

                                                   Create a business model to integrate into

                                                     the countries challenge of radicalisation
                                                     and extremism leading to terrorism and
                                                other causes of an unsafe environment and
                                                       the threat from those who promote it.

               The scope of the business case will focus on the delivery of Psychological services
               and functions that will be required to support the co-ordination and intensive
               intervention of:

               •  People with intellectual problems, learning difficulties
                   and complex psychological needs

               •  Addressing environment conditions with perceived weakness
                   that are known to  be security targets.

               This business case is primarily aligned to, and interdependent with the following
               programs of work:

               •  HM Government Prevent duty
               •  Channel – Multi agency approach to identify and support to individuals who are
                   at risk

               •  Guidance recommendations of NaCTSO – Crowded places: The planning systems
                   and Counter Terrorism

               •  Integrate security and protection as part of organisations compliance with the
               Health & Safety requirements both legal and Moral.

               •  Support the associates of the business in ensuring a safe working environment

               •  Applying research evidence in practice.
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