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FUTURE                                                           2 . ENVIRONMENT

               SERVICE MODEL
                                                                                Protective security

               2018/21                                                          advice for dwellings,
                                                                                vulnerable sites
                                                                                and assets.

               To include “Physical, Personnel, Cyber and Personal safety” in the process of
               organisations to ensure moral commitment and legal compliance within the
               Health and Safety at work Act and management of health & safety at work

               Involving local authorities in the             Every positive action taken in
               process will form part of the civil            a personal or organisational
               contingencies act which places                 environment will deter an
               obligations on them to assess                  adversary from exploiting perceived
               the risks of, plan and exercise for            weaknesses.

               All visible and documented processes
               protecting people against attack               Our core principles for protection
               enforce Organisational reputation              will be based on:
               which can so easily be damaged from
               less than robust and unprofessional            STOP
               priority to people’s protection.               Prevention of entry where possible.
               The above aims will be achievable              ASSESS
               by development of our site auditing
               policy based on the research and               Client to review unsecured areas via
               expertise of the National Counter              surveillance or inspection.
               Terrorism Security Office (NaCTSO)             F RUSTRATE
               supported with training programs,              Ensure any access is made uneasy
               site policy development or creation,           and complicated to achieve.
               all of which will be a key part of
               Organisational Business Continuity             EVACUATE
               management.                                    Whatever the situation, ensure safe

               Where this applies to an individual            evacuation is always available.
               in a non-organisational environment
               such as a dwelling, an auditing policy
               of the environment for protection
               of the client or a visitor during the
               assessment process will be available
               to ensure both our organisation and
               any involved authority is complying
               with legal requirements.
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