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               SERVICE MODEL

               2018/21                                                           3 . RISK
                                                                                 and control.

               Protect of individuals and families by means of intervention from extremism
               and radicalisation.

               A full audit report of organisation            The development of Business
               premises enables weakness to                   Continuity Plans and organisational
               be identified from a third-party               policies resulting from assessment
               view and possible actions to be                reporting.
               considered to reduce the risks as
               required by current legislation.               PEREMO risk manage our associates
                                                              within the working environment.
               Enhancing organisations resilience to
               terrorist attack by clear evidence of
               a risk assessment and improvement

               4 . EVALUATION

               Promote understanding, development

               of resilience and support systems

               The services undertake research and evaluation of all the approaches,
               guidance and interventions.

               The development of toolkits and                Working within the guidance of
               learning sets promote understanding,           the National Counter Terrorism
               development of resilience and                  Security Office and health and
               support systems in the protection of           safety executive to include the
               individuals, families, organisations           shared research and lessons from
               and the wider community.                       all aspects of security and safety
                                                              for environments and the people
                                                              working in them.
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