Page 12 - PONY Think Write Teachers Guide Module 1.
P. 12

Module 1: Learning the Cognitive Framework Teacher’s Guide
  Objective: Linking Georgia the Shetland Pony with her starting shape
  Lesson Plan:
With all the children sitting on the carpet in front of the teacher. Position the starting shapes for the pony and the sheep where they are visible to the children
1. Hold up a picture of Georgia the Shetland Pony.
2. “What can we remember about Georgia the Shetland Pony?”
3. Allow the children to answer, “she has a round tummy and turns around.”
4. “Yes, that is right. Georgia the Shetland Pony has a round tummy and she
turns around.”
5. “Let’s have a look at these two starting shapes. One of them belongs to
Georgia the Shetland Pony. Can you tell me which one?”
6. Allow the children time to answer.
7. “Why do you think this is the starting shape for Georgia the Shetland Pony?”
8. Allow the children time to answer.
9. “That's right. Georgia the Shetland Pony has a big round tummy and so does this
shape. What movement would you show me if I held up this card?”
10. Allow the children time to stand up and show you the movement.
11. “Shall we have a practice? Everyone stand normally.” Show the picture
of Georgia the Shetland Pony’s starting shape. 12. Allow the children to show you the movement.
13. “Brilliant, well done everyone.”
 More to Learn:
Encourage the children to link together the different learning, so they store it
all together in their memories. Use movement, key words, noise and image.
• Link to the starting shape, the animal character and the movement.
• Reinforce the starting shape for Georgia the Shetland Pony with the animal
character and demonstrate how you would write it on the whiteboard.
© 2014 Shelley Birkett-Eyles. Hemispheres Think Write Limited

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