Page 13 - PONY Think Write Teachers Guide Module 1.
P. 13
Module 1: Learning the Cognitive Framework Teacher’s Guide
Objective: Introducing spatial position
Lesson Plan:
With all the children sitting on the carpet in front of the teacher. Have the cloud, helicopter, grass and worm cards visible to the children
1. “Can you see I have four cards? What are they?” Hold each card up and ask the children to name the image.
2. Allow the children to answer, cloud, helicopter, grass, worm”.
3. “Now I need your help to put these cards in order. I am going to start
with the grass picture.” Pin the grass picture onto the whiteboard.
4. Pick up the cloud picture. “Where do you think this card goes, higher or
lower than the grass?”
5. Allow the children to answer, “higher”.
6. “That's right, so I am going to pin the cloud here.” Pin the cloud higher
than the grass, leaving space for the helicopter, directly above it.
7. Lift up the worm picture. “Where do you think this card goes?”
8. Allow the children time to answer, “lower”.
9. “That's right. Worms live underground so it goes below the grass.” Pin
the card in the right position.
10. “We only have one card left. The helicopter. Where do you think this
card will go?”
11. Allow the children to answer, “under the cloud, above the grass, between the
grass and the cloud”.
12. Stick the card in place. “Well done, we can see all the cards and where
they go.”
13.“Brilliant, well done everyone.”
• Link to spatial position of tall, short, on the grass and below the line in other aspects of the curriculum.
© 2014 Shelley Birkett-Eyles. Hemispheres Think Write Limited