Page 14 - PONY Think Write Teachers Guide Module 1.
P. 14
Module 1: Learning the Cognitive Framework Teacher’s Guide
Objective: Introducing the Hemispheres Illustrated Paper
Lesson Plan:
With all the children sitting on the carpet in front of the teacher. On the whiteboard load up the Illustrated Paper - Introductory level
1. “Can you see I have four cards. What are they?” Hold each card up and ask the children to name the image.
2. Allow the children to answer “cloud, helicopter, grass, worm”.
3. “You can see the pictures have been put together to form some lines.
which will help us when we start to draw the starting lines for each
4. “What do all the animals stand on?”
5. Allow the children to answer “grass”.
6. “How tall is Harriet the Cow? Where do you think she will reach up to?”
7. Allow the children to answer “cloud”.
• Link to learning to form the starting shapes for Harriet the Cow and Georgia the Shetland Pony.When you have covered Rupert the White Sheep then you can reinforce the spatial position in the same way.
© 2014 Shelley Birkett-Eyles. Hemispheres Think Write Limited