Page 12 - WMPF Federation June-July 2021_Neat
P. 12

Conference Day 1

         PM                                 Chair reflects

         thanks  on challenging

         officers                           year in keynote


                                                 olice Federation chair John Apter has
                                                 reflected on an extraordinary year in
                                            Phis keynote speech to this year’s
                                            annual conference.
                                               John said officers found themselves in
                                            unprecedented situations and often felt they
                                            were held responsible when things went
                                               He noted assaults on officers shot up
                                            during the coronavirus pandemic as they
                                            became the focus of public anger and
                                               The chair told members: “This past year
                                            has been one of the most challenging and
                                            one of the most extraordinary for us all in
                                            recent history.
                                               “For the past 15 months we have been
                                            required to police in a way that none of us
                                            ever expected to when we joined the job.
                                               “We knew it was never going to be easy.
        Prime Minister Boris Johnson.       But our job was made even harder by the
        Boris Johnson delivered a message of   ever changing rules and regulations.”
        thanks and support at the opening of the      He told Home Secretary Priti Patel, who
        conference.                         also addressed the conference: “We had
           The Prime Minister issued a ‘huge   officers going out on patrol literally hours
        thank you’ to officers for their work   after the new regulations were introduced.
        during the pandemic and praised them      “They had often received no detailed   National Police Federation chair John Apter.
        for rising ‘to an enormous challenge’.  briefing because the laws had only just been
           In a recorded message, he said: “Just   passed, which meant they were often going   difficult of circumstances they became the
        as I could never have imagined being   out on patrol with no specific detail about   focus of public anger and frustration.
        forced to close pubs and bars and   what the change meant for policing.      “And for some perverse reason, some
        restaurants or tell people how many      “There was no discussion about how to   chose to see us as the enemy. We were
        households could get together, I bet that   deal with the new laws or the new guidance.   labelled the villains of the pandemic and
        policing restrictions in that way was not   And let’s be honest Home Secretary, the   that is grossly unfair.
        something you ever dreamt you would   rules were not always crystal clear.”     “A minority of people - and let’s be
        be doing.                              Admitting there were ‘some mistakes’ as   honest about this: often agitators intent on
           “But you did it because you knew it   a result, he said that the police had unfairly   causing mayhem - focused their anger and
        was how we were going to protect the   become the focus of blame.        often violence on police officers.
        NHS and save lives.”                   He said: “Despite our best efforts, there      “Well, I have a message to those who
           He added: “You have shown over the   were some mistakes and that was inevitable   goaded my colleagues, a message to those
        past year just why British police are the   given the circumstances and policing has   who attacked police officers who were
        best in the world, now we are going to   never shied away from saying so. But my   simply doing their job and to those vile
        make sure you have the tools you need to   colleagues, who had been put in an   people who weaponised Covid by coughing
        deal with criminals, make our streets   impossible position, became the focus of   and spitting at my colleagues, often saying
        safer, and get on with the job you signed   blame.                       they had Covid and they hope the officer
        up to do.”                             “My colleagues, who were doing their   caught it and died.
                                            very best, every single day, in the most      “To those individuals: you disgust me,

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