Page 13 - WMPF Federation June-July 2021_Neat
P. 13

you completely disgust me. And I know that
       you disgust every decent, law-abiding
       person.”                              Officer sends
          John said officers were also facing ‘trial
       by media’ on a daily basis.
          He told the conference: “My colleagues   clear message in
       are being hung out to dry by the media, by
       some politicians and by so-called, self-
       proclaimed experts on policing.”
          And calling on the Home Secretary for   Covid jab row
       her support, he said: “We need you to speak
       out when you see footage of police officers
       being attacked on social media. When we
       see people reaching for their phone, not to   A question from a Devon and Cornwall
       dial 999 for help, but reaching for their   officer working at the G7 summit was
       phone to film an attack for nothing more   included in the national chair’s keynote
       than entertainment.                   speech.
                                               Apter introduced as part of his address to
                                               In a pre-recorded video which John
     “       This past year has              Home Secretary Priti Patel, 26-year-old
                                             Leanne Gould said: “I’m concerned about
             been one of the
                                             the amount of people travelling down to
             most challenging                G7 this week and the fact that I have not
                                             been vaccinated and many of us haven’t,
             and one of the                  especially with new Indian variant that is
             most                               “When the vaccination programme
                                             was confirmed I thought the police would
             extraordinary for               be prioritised after the most vulnerable,
                                             like our NHS colleagues on the frontline
             us all in recent                were. I do feel completely let down by the   Leanne Gould.
             history.                        Government as we’ve just been left   danger this presents, not only to our
                                             exposed to the enormous risk of catching
                                             the virus.                         officers and their families, but also to
                                                “Day to day we deal with members of   the wider community too. I warned you
          “Social media companies must also take   the public who do not always respect Covid   that by the nature of the job they do,
       more responsibility and the Government   regulations and PPE restrictions. My   officers could be super spreaders.”
       must ensure this happens. What kind of   colleagues have been spat at and bitten      He continued: “This was never about
       society have we become when attacking   and we are in constant close proximity to   calling for police officers to elbow their
       police officers is seen as nothing more than   the public due to the nature of the job.   way to the front of the queue - it was
       entertainment, nothing more than a sport?  Where is our protection and why have   right that the most vulnerable and
          “Or when selective clips of video are   police officers been pushed aside and our   colleagues from the NHS were
       released without context and then those in   safety not considered?”     prioritised for the vaccine but after
       positions of responsibility who should know      John had already told Ms Patel the lack   these, police officers, because of what is
       better condemn the actions of officers   of any officer-specific vaccination   expected of them, should have been
       without knowing all the facts.”       programme remained a Government    next.
          John finished his keynote speech by   failing he did not understand.      “You said you understood and you
       pointing out that police pay had fallen by 18      “Home Secretary, I appreciate we may   indicated that my colleagues would be
       per cent in real terms in the past 10 years   not always agree on everything, but on   prioritised for the vaccine in Phase 2 of
       and that most officers were also currently   many areas you have listened and you have   the vaccination roll-out. But then, for a
       affected by the public sector pay freeze.  acted,” he said,              number of reasons that still baffle me
          He said: “As police officers, we don’t have      “But there is more needed to protect   today, this wasn’t progressed. Warm
       the same rights as others. We can’t strike,   our members. One such protection was   words became lame actions and the
       we can’t take industrial action if we feel we   the vaccination of police officers against   result is that that my colleagues feel a
       have been treated unfairly and we can’t   the deadly virus. Since December last year,   deep sense of betrayal by Government.
       withdraw our labour.                  we have been highlighting our grave      “We have young police officers who,
          “We also have restrictions on our private   concerns that police officers had not been   by age alone, will not have been
       lives, unlike most other workers. For years,   prioritised for vaccination unlike a number   vaccinated but are working at G7. How
       successive governments have respected this.   of other countries who did choose to   can that be right? Leanne and her
       They have recognised that, in the absence of   protect their police officers.  colleagues are doing their very best and
       those industrial rights, police officers should      “We pointed out that the very nature   she speaks for all of us about how badly
       be treated fairly, but in recent years this has   of policing means officers have to get up   let down we do feel.
       changed.                              close and personal and we can’t always      “This is a failing of Government and
          “Well Home Secretary, if that is the case,   plan or mitigate risk. I made very clear the   it’s a failing that we can never forget.”
       then it may be time for some other changes.”                                                  federation June/July 2021       13
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