Page 14 - WMPF Federation June-July 2021_Neat
P. 14

Conference Day 1

       Home Secretary praises

       officers and says ‘I have

       got your backs’

             ome Secretary Priti Patel has told                                 body-worn video footage of incidents.
             Police Federation members the                                         She told the conference: “That’s why I
       Hcountry depends on them and                                             backed the Police Federation’s call for forces
       pledged: “I have got your backs.”                                        to share body-worn video footage to counter
          In her keynote speech to the Police                                   highly selective, and misleading, video clips
       Federation of England and Wales’ annual                                  uploaded on to social media.
       conference, the Home Secretary praised the                                  “I want forces to be more proactive in
       courage shown by frontline officers                                      sharing body-worn video footage to
       throughout the coronavirus crisis.                                       highlight the fantastic work of their officers,
          She told them: “On behalf of the whole                                to build public confidence, and to correct
       country, thank you for still being there for us                          harmful misinformation circulating online.
       during one of the toughest moments in our                                   “It is critical that we work as a system to
       country’s history.                                                       ensure that we maintain public confidence
          “You have done it superbly well and                                   in policing, which is vital for victim
       courageously.”                                                           reporting, intelligence-led policing, and to
          Ms Patel acknowledged a rise in the                                   maintain our treasured model of policing by
       number of attacks on officers as protests                                consent.
       swept the country last summer and    Home Secretary Priti Patel.            “As part of this process, we will be
       described such behaviour as “grotesque”.                                 looking carefully at strengthening the
          She said: “It’s a cruel irony that while   two years.                 system of local community scrutiny and the
       most crimes naturally fell during lockdown,      She said: “I will continue to do   value of body-worn video, because
       violence and abuse directed at police officers   everything in my power to ensure assaults   transparency is vital.”
       increased.                           on our police are treated with the      Ms Patel said the police had played a
          “You were spat and coughed at by thugs   appropriate severity across the whole   heroic role bringing the country through the
       claiming to have the virus. Some of you were   criminal justice system.  incredible shock of the coronavirus
       seriously injured and your vans were set on   As we come out of          pandemic.
       fire during the despicable events in Bristol                                She told Federation members: “As we
       earlier this year.                          coronavirus, we              come out of coronavirus, we must cut crime
          “Police were bloodied and pelted with   “ must cut crime              and build back safer – and we can’t do it
       bottles in Hyde Park in April.”                                          without you.
          Assaults on constables without injury    and build back                  “Without you, we would not have dealt
       increased by 21 per cent to 25,156 in the                                so many recent blows to serious and
       year to December 2020 and attacks resulting   safer - and we             organised crime, including Operation
       in injury rose by 2 per cent to more than   can’t do it without          Venetic - the UK’s biggest ever law
       11,000, figures branded ‘shocking’ by the                                enforcement operation.
       Home Secretary.                             you.                            “Without you, our drive to dismantle
          She said: “This behaviour is grotesque.                 “             county lines drugs gangs would not have
       And I will never accept that it’s simply part                            yielded such incredible results.
       of the job.                             “Those who have contempt for the police      “Without you, thousands of weapons
          “It is an attack on the fabric of our   may be louder and more vitriolic than ever,   would not have been taken off our streets,
       society. And every police uniform is worn by   but they are vastly outnumbered and utterly   as we crack down on serious violence.
       a human being who is entitled to dignity   wrong.                        Without you, we could not combat
       and respect.                            “Far from feeling any shame in being a   terrorism.
          “The right to protest and speak freely   police officer, you all should feel very proud      “Without you, more young people would
       does not include the right to smash up   indeed. We have also acted in response to   make bad choices and ruin lives, including
       property, or abuse police officers.”  what you said about the tools and powers   their own. Without you, the public would
          Ms Patel confirmed the Government was   you need.”                    not feel safe. Without you, criminals would
       doubling the maximum prison sentence for      Ms Patel insisted she would not let the   run riot and this country would fall apart.
       common assault or battery against    police be subjected to trial by social media      “Our country depends on you. And I have
       emergency workers from twelve months to   and said she supported calls to release more   got your backs.”

       14       federation April/May 2021                               
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