Page 15 - WMPF Federation June-July 2021_Neat
P. 15

Q and A

                                             WITH HOME


       National chair John Apter and Home Secretary Priti Patel.
       Following the keynote speeches from   wanted.”                           ways and as crime changes, policing must
       national chair John Apter and Home      Another question from the Met was   change. There are changes being made at
       Secretary Priti Patel, facilitator Ian Collins   around the Independent Office for Police   the college and it’s also about how we invest
       remarked on the good working relationship   Conduct (IOPC) and its lack of accountability.  in officers,” she said.
       the two appeared to enjoy.             The Home Secretary said the IOPC is      John added: “We changed the way we
          John said: “Our dialogue is positive and   ‘absolutely’ accountable to her. She said: “I   recruited and attracted and I do think the
       open but I don’t sugar-coat anything. That   meet and work with them and we have   messaging was wrong from the college
       works both ways though and I’m often on   made great strides. I have told them this   because it definitely put people who were
       the naughty step.”                  end-to-end approach and putting officers’   more mature off. I want to see more mature
          The Q & A session that followed their   lives on hold is unacceptable and as a result
       addresses prompted numerous questions.  they have changed their practice. But I need   We are committed to
          Ken Marsh, chair of the Metropolitan   to hear from the frontline because if we   “
       Police Federation, said colleagues had been   need to do more, we will.”         making sure the
       forced to ‘beg, borrow or steal’ vaccinations      John said more improvement was still   lowest paid
       and treated with contempt.          needed, adding: “The IOPC have done well
          Ms Patel said she did not recognise his   but they must do better. For us, they are on   absolutely do get a
       statement, adding: “The Government   probation.”
       worked with the committee (the Joint      Another Metropolitan Police question   pay rise.
       Committee on Vaccination and        was around police forces being                                   “
       Immunisation) and followed their advice.   representative of ‘the diverse multinational
       That’s not about letting people down. This   society’ of the UK and the Home Secretary   people coming in but while recruitment is
       time last year people were dying and the   responded by saying she was ‘really proud of   important, retention is as important. We’ve
       elderly and vulnerable were in desperate   the work around diversity and outreach that   got to try to harness those people with the
       need so the committee was having to make   takes place in policing’.     skills they’ve developed over many years.”
       life and death decisions. Officers are now      A slightly different diversity question      As the session came to an end, the Home
       being vaccinated and are covered by the   came from a Sussex officer who joined at the   Secretary was asked if she had an over-riding
       cohorting and age ranges and the    age of 39. He asked the Home Secretary if   final message. She said: “There’s a lot I could
       vaccination programme has been      she thought the low starting salary meant   say but primarily it’s enormous thanks and
       phenomenal.”                        the job was unappealing to older candidates   gratitude for the public service our officers
          John added: “I felt so let down on behalf   who ‘could bring a great deal of life   give and have shown over the last 12
       of my colleagues. When I had the Home   experience to the job’.          months.
       Secretary and chief constables supporting      She said “I do want to encourage more      “Policing has been front and centre
       me on getting them vaccinated, I was   people to come to policing later in life   throughout and policing has helped stop the
       hopeful. So I felt shattered when it didn’t   because they have the experience that will   spread of the virus and it has helped to
                                           benefit policing at all levels and in different
       turn into the decision my colleagues
   “         There’s a lot I could say but primarily it’s                       been out there.
                                                                                saved lives so thanks to everybody who has

                                                                                   “We know we’ve got new challenges as
                                                                                we come out of lockdown but from my
             enormous thanks and gratitude for the public
                                                                                perspective that’s about backing the police
                                                                                and giving officers all the support they need
             service our officers give and have shown over
                                                                                committed to making sure the lowest paid
             the last 12 months.              “                                 to get on and do their job. And we are
                                                                                absolutely do get a pay rise.”                                                  federation April/May 2021      15
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