Page 27 - WMPF Federation Aug-Sept 2021-flip_Neat
P. 27


       CRIMINAL PROSECUTION DEBATE         DATA PROTECTION                      injury claims
       l  Professional fees incurred:      l  Professional fees incurred in the defence
         l  In the defence of criminal legal   of legal proceedings taken against the   One of the benefits of your Police
         proceeding brought against the       beneficiary for compensation relating to   Federation membership is the ability to
         beneficiary                          the way that they have kept or used   receive legal support and make a claim for
         l  Overseas in providing emergency legal   personal information about another   compensation if you are injured on or off
         assistance or representing a beneficiary   person or organisation.     duty.
         at a police station where they are being   UNINSURED LOSS RECOVERY AND MOTOR      A team of specialist personal injury
         interviewed, in relation to an alleged   PROSECUTION DEFENCE           lawyers are dedicated to recovering
         criminal act.                     l  Professional fees incurred:       damages for you and your family. Whether
                                              l  In the pursuit of legal proceedings to   you win or lose your claim, you will not be
       MEMBER AND FAMILY COVER INCLUDES:      recover uninsured losses incurred   charged and you keep 100 per cent of any
       PERSONAL INJURY                        because of a motor accident causing loss   compensation won.
       l  Professional fees incurred in the pursuit   or damage to the vehicle     The Federation has specialists who
         of legal proceedings to recover damages   l  In the defence of legal proceedings   have expert knowledge of the unique
         or compensation following any event   taken against the beneficiary arising   losses that can affect police officers and
         causing death of or bodily injury to a   from a breach of road traffic regulations   ensure these are recovered as part of your
         beneficiary.                         relating to the vehicle.          compensation award.
       CLINICAL NEGLIGENCE                 IDENTITY THEFT                          Please note, the process for submitting
       l  Professional fees incurred in the pursuit   l  In the event of identity theft:  personal injury claims has changed.
         of legal proceedings to recover damages   l  Professional fees and ancillary costs   Claimline is now closed and all personal
         or compensation following any medical,   incurred to defend a claim from a   injury claims - that are not related to a road
         clinical or surgical event causing death of   financial institution, merchants or their   traffic incident - need to be sent to us to
         or bodily injury to a beneficiary.   collection agencies; for the removal of   submit on your behalf. Please contact us
       CONSUMER PROTECTION                    any criminal or civil judgements wrongly   for more information.
       l  Professional fees incurred in the pursuit   entered against the beneficiary;
         or defence of legal proceedings as a   challenging the accuracy or
         result of any contractual dispute over   completeness of any information in a
         £50.00 for obtaining services including   Credit Reference Agency report; and to
         insurance or the sale, purchase or   create documents needed to prove the
         hirepurchase of any personal goods.  beneficiary’s innocence in terms of any
       TAXATION                               financial irregularities committed
       l  Professional fees arising from or relating   unlawfully
         to a full enquiry by HM Revenue &   l  Postal and phone costs the beneficiary
         Customs of the beneficiary’s personal tax   has to pay in relation to those made
         affairs.                             about actual identity theft
       DISCRIMINATION                      l  Fees charged for re-applying for a loan
       l  Professional fees incurred in the defence   due to the original application being
         of civil legal proceedings brought   rejected because the lender received
         against the beneficiary alleging     incorrect credit information
         discrimination related to sex, race, age,   l  The beneficiary’s lost earnings because
         religion or disability at work.      of time away from work to report or
                                              discuss actual identify theft
                                           Find out more in the policy document.

                                                                                RTA personal

                                                                                injury claims

                                                                                 If you or a member of your family have
                                                                                suffered an injury as a result of a road
                                                                                traffic accident then you are entitled to
                                                                                free legal advice, support and
                                                                                representation to obtain financial
                                                                                   All RTA personal injury claims can be
                                                                                submitted directly via PFEW RTA Legal
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