Page 4 - Tesina
P. 4

ITIS P. Paleocapa - Le pompe di calore


            Today, I’m beginning to understand that our knowledge about the reality around us is essential to
            plan a safe and sustainable future, a future full of new technologies that will improve our lives.

            It is therefore very important to know whether these innovations are beneficial or detrimental for
            the nature.

            We discovered fossil fuels such as coal and oil, during the so-called "industry 2.0", and now that we
            are in "industry 4.0", we are realizing how they are polluting and harmful for the environment;
            however we can do nothing without them because we haven’t found anything to replace them.

            Innovations are advantageous but not always sustainable for humans; novelties should be able to
            simplify our lives by neglecting the harmful consequences that they cause.

            For this reason I think that knowledge is very important to understand if innovations are useful or
            harmful. It is difficult to find something innovative, productive, sustainable and cheap in order to
            facilitate its diffusion.

            Moreover, we should also know that residential air conditioning consumes 18% of Italy's energy
            consumption; if it seems a small percentage it’s important to say that we are considering only the
            residential level and not overall level. It is the second largest source of consumption after transport
            (32%), so we can conclude that we should focus on air conditioning, finding new functional
            technologies, with accessible price.

            Lastly, it’s essential a deeper analysis with my work, taking advantage of the knowledge acquired
            during my school period and the research carried out for the drafting.

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