Page 32 - February Mag 2025.2.6.2025.Web
P. 32


                                                         St. Nicholas Byzantine Catholic Church
                                                         SwoyerSVille, pa

                                                         Piggie/Holupki Sale
                                                         The parish holupki sale was actually a three-day event.
                                                         November 6th & 7th was dedicated to purchasing and
                                                                                  preparing the food for assembly.
                                                                                  On Friday, November 8 the
                                                                                  holupki were rolled, cooked and
                                                                                  placed in plastic containers ready
                                                                                  for picked up. Saint Nicholas
                                                                                  Church is grateful for the GCU
       Deacon Lawrence Worlinsky, Fr. Andrii Dumnych                              Parish Matching Funds.
       and Parish Coordinator John Barilla.
                                                                                  John Barilla | Byzantine Parish Coordinator
             At right: a few of the dedicated volunteers.

          Ss. Peter and Paul Byzantine Catholic Church
          warren, oH
          Kolache Baking Event & Sale
          On November 16, parishioners and   presented a GCU Matching Funds
          friends gathered to bake many      check to Fr. Miron Kerul’-Kmec, Jr.,
          varieties of kolache to raise money   pastor of Ss. Peter and Paul Church
          for the church’s upcoming 100      from the kolache sale. Thank you
          Anniversary. On December 26, 2024,   GCU for your financial assistance.
          Parish Coordinator Dianna Koza
                                             Dianna Koza | Byzantine Parish Coordinator

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