Page 28 - February Mag 2025.2.6.2025.Web
P. 28


          St. Mary Assumption
          Byzantine Catholic Church
          new SaleM, pa

                                          Pre-Christmas Din-
                                          ner/Bake Sale
                                          The parishioners of
                                          St. Mary Assumption
                                          Church enjoyed a
                                          Pre-Christmas dinner
                                          and bake sale on
                                          December 15. Forty
                                          nut rolls were baked       St. Nicholas Byzantine
                                          and donated by Rick
                                          & Karen Gaydos             Catholic Church
                                          and sold out. Tables       roebling, nJ
     Parish Coordinator Bernadette Karoffa, Fr.
     James Ragan and Rich Kormanik.       were decorated with
                                          holiday decorations,       St. Nicholas Food Sale
          home-baked gingerbread men and chocolates along            In December,
          with special table prizes. A basket raffle was also held.   parishioners, family
          Proceeds from this event will be used for needed           members and friends of
          plumbing repairs in the rectory and church. Thank you,     St. Nicholas Church once
          GCU, for the Parish Matching Funds!                        again came together
                                                                     spending numerous
          Bernadette Karoffa | Byzantine Parish Coordinator          days preparing stuffed
                                                                     cabbage, pirohi, cabbage & noodles, soup and
                                                                     cookie boxes for their annual ethnic food sale for
                                                                     the local parishes and community. Many thanks
                                                                     and appreciation for the leadership, dedication and
                                                                     countless hours to Monica Olaff for undertaking
                                                                     this monumental task with the end result being
                                                                     an enormous success. Thanks to the GCU Parish
                                                                     Matching Funds program for the additional income.

                                                                     Carol Reichmann | Byzantine Parish Coordinator

                                  St. John Byzantine Catholic Church
                                  SCottdale, pa

                                  Annual Christmas Craft Show
                                  On Saturday, December 7, St. John Parish
                                  held its annual Christmas Craft Show.
                                  Over 30 vendors sold handmade crafts,
                                  50/50 & raffle basket chances were
                                  sold and homemade bake goods were
                                  available for purchase. Thanks to the
                                  GCU Parish Matching Funds program for
                                  adding to the success of this event.

                                  Fr. Oleh Seremchuk | Byzantine Parish Coordinator

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