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          SS. Peter & Paul Byzantine Catholic Church
          dUqUeSne, pa

          Spaghetti Dinner
          SS. Peter & Paul Church held their very successful annual spaghetti
          dinner on Sunday, October 27, in the church hall. The parish   Rich Miller, Tom Kearns and Jerry Longstreth are busy
          family and community members enjoyed a delicious dinner and   in the kitchen preparing the spaghetti.
          participated in a basket raffle and a 50/50 raffle. The spaghetti
                                            dinner is always a great
                                            opportunity to socialize with
                                            friends and family. Thanks
                                            to the GCU for the Parish
                                            Matching Funds grant that
                                            increased profits for the

                                            Connie Kacey Smith | Byzantine
      Stephanie Kearns and her mother, Shirley Miller,   Parish Coordinator  Fr. Christiaan Kappes, Peggyanne Fodo and Claudia
      were happy to sell a 50/50 raffle block to patrons.               Stipetic enjoy the spaghetti dinner.

          St. Therese Byzantine                                Nativity of the Mother of God
          Catholic Church                                      Byzantine Catholic Church
          St. peterSbUrg, Fl                                   dUboiS, pa

                                       St. Nicholas Party                                  Small Games of Chance
                                       On Sunday,                                          Weekly Bingo and
                                       December 8 a parish                                 small games of chance
                                       event was held for                                  were enjoyed every
                                       children and adults in                              Wednesday throughout
                                       honor of St. Nicholas.                              December at the
                                       Plenty of candy &                                   Nativity of the Mother
                                       activities for the                                  of God social hall. A
                                       children, a nice lunch                              GCU Matching Funds
                                       and a visit from the                                check presentation
                                       Saint himself. The                                  from these events to Fr.
                                       event also benefited                                Nate Tapzak by Parish
                                       from GCU Parish                                     Coordinator Grace
                                       Matching Funds.                                     Marshall appears at left.
                                       (Additional photo                                   Grace Marshall | Byzantine
                                       is featured on the                                  Parish Coordinator
           Hope Sanford & St. Nick.    cover.)

                                       Charles Allan Hunt | Byzan-
                                       tine Parish Coordinator

                                                                      Happy bingo players.

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