Page 25 - February Mag 2025.2.6.2025.Web
P. 25
Ascension Byzantine Catholic Church
Clairton, pa
St. Mary Byzantine Catholic Church
SHeppton, pa
Christmas Candy Fundraiser
St. Mary Church enjoyed another successful Christmas
2024 candy fundraiser. Pictured are president of
Victoria’s Candies Paul Esposito, St. Mary’s Trustee
George Andrews, St. Mary’s Trustee & GCU Parish
Coordinator Andrea Andrews and production manager
at Victoria’s Candies David Petrone. Thanks GCU for
the Parish Matching Funds.
A GCU Parish Matching Funds check from the spaghetti dinner
fundraiser was recently presented to the parish. On hand for the Andrea Andrews | Byzantine Parish Coordinator
presentation were: Michael Sowko, Parish Coordinator Trish Rob-
erts, Father Ivan Mina and Michael Dufalla.
Holy Ghost Byzantine Catholic Church
pHiladelpHia, pa
Raffle Fundraiser & Pasta Luncheon
Holy Ghost Church held their annual
fundraiser on November 17, 2024. Very
Reverend Father Andriy Kovach, pastor,
began the event with a blessing. The event
was organized by Kelly Krwawicz overseeing
multiple sub-committees to prepare the raffle
prizes, food, setup and cleanup activities.
GCU Agent Randy Baden, informed the
attendees of the numerous products that are Ramcy Quiqui presents a bas-
Paul showing off the baked goods. available through the GCU. The event also ket winner to Zander Prokop.
qualified for GCU Parish Matching Funds.
St. John Byzantine
Catholic Church Edward Danovich | Byzantine Parish Coordinator
wilKeS-barre, pa
Baking Project
On December 1, 2024, a baking
project was held at St. John Parish.
Parishioners and friends of the parish
gathered to make four different kinds
of rolls. The proceeds benefited St.
John parish and also qualified for
GCU Parish Matching Funds. Kelly Krwawicz presents the grand prize to Maya Krwawicz presents a bas-
Brandon Chrupcala. ket winner to Andrea White.
Ivanna Prodanets | Byzantine Parish Coordinator