Page 21 - February Mag 2025.2.6.2025.Web
P. 21

Scranton/Wilkes-Barre Constellation

                                                          Guillianna, Olivia & Cata-  St. Nicholas, Noah Hummel and Andrew &
                                                          rina Saltimacchia with St.   John Kurilla.
           Meghan Williams, St.   Stepan & Ivan Prodanets with
           Nick and Jason Marcin.  St. Nicholas.

          Parish Matching Funds

                                             St. Michael Byzantine Catholic Church
                                             CaMpbell, oH

                                             Reverse Raffle
                                             On Friday, October 5, 2024 a reverse
                                             raffle was held at St. Michael BC Church.
                                             GCU members assisted with ticket sales,
                                             set up, tear down and worked at the
                                             event. The parish is most appreciative
                                             of the GCU Parish Matching Funds it
                                             received from the event.
           Michael Katula, Very Rev. Kevin Marks, Noah                             Volunteers with Fr. Kevin who helped make the
           Hicks and Parish Coordinator Ed Stanko.  Ed Stanko | Byzantine Parish Coordinator  Reverse Raffle a success.

                                St. Mary Byzantine Catholic Church
                                KingSton, pa

                                2024 Basket Raffles
                                Basket raffles were held for Easter and Christmas at St. Mary Church. Many beautiful baskets
                                                   including cash, lottery tickets, gift cards, children’s items, food, linens,
                                                   appliances, etc. were raffled off. Refreshments were served to those
                                                   in attendance for the drawings. These drawings have become a great
                                                   holiday tradition for adults and children alike. A huge thank you to
                                                   Mary Ann Wright, Theresa & Steven Kurilla for taking over this huge
                                                   endeavor after our chairwoman and a truly wonderful woman passed
           The kids loved                          away this past year—eternal memory Marion Petro. A huge thank you to
           helping with                            GCU for the Parish Matching Funds!
           the baskets.
                                                   Laure Marcin | Byzantine Parish Coordinator

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