Page 22 - February Mag 2025.2.6.2025.Web
P. 22


          Ss. Cyril and Methodius Byzantine Catholic Church
          Cary, nC
                                                               17  Annual St. Nicholas European Christmas Market
                                                               Ss. Cyril and Methodius Church held its 17  Annual
                                                               St. Nicholas European Christmas Market on Friday
                                                               & Saturday, December 13 & 14, 2024. Fr. Vasyl
                                                               Sokolovych opened the market with singing by the
                                                               cantors and blessings with holy water. Over 10,000
                                                               people enjoyed dancing, shopping, eating ethnic
                                                               delicacies and leaving with smiles on their faces.
                                                               The Lord blessed us with good weather and another
                                                               successful event spreading the word of Eastern
                                                               Catholicism in North Carolina.
           Fr. Vasyl and a volunteer at the Christmas Market.
                                                               Michael Sapsara | Byzantine Parish Coordinator

          St. Anne Byzantine Catholic Church                   St. Andrew Byzantine Catholic Church
          San lUiS obiSpo, Ca                                  weStbUry, ny

          Christmas Baking/Sausage Smoking                     St. Nicholas Luncheon
          This multi-day annual event has parish volunteers    Tickets were sold for the annual St. Nicholas luncheon
          making smoked sausage and baking various filled rolls   that was held on Sunday, December 15. The food and
          to sell as a fund raiser for the church. Thanks GCU   drinks were donated for the event. Ten children enjoyed
          for the Parish Matching Funds program that helped    the visit by Saint Nicholas and received gifts donated by
          increase the events success.                         Cathy & Dennis Walsh. Thanks to the parishioners at St.
                                                               Andrew and the GCU Parish Matching Funds program for
          Christina Aguirre | Byzantine Parish Coordinator     making this a successful event.

                                                               Check Presentation
                                                               GCU member Tony
          St. John The Baptist                                 Massino presents
          Byzantine Catholic Church                            the GCU Matching
          Solon, oH                                            Funds check to
                                                               Fr. Nick for the
          Holiday Food Sale                                    Saint Andrew’s
          On Saturday, December 21 the parish held its annual   Saint Nicholas
          Holiday Food Sale featuring homemade items. Over 300   Day. The parish
          dozen Christmas cookies, 300 Hungarian nut and poppy   thanks the GCU and
                                       seed rolls and 150      appreciates all the
                                       pounds of homemade      assistance that is given to the parish.
                                       Hungarian fresh
                                       kolbasz was sold.       Margaret Russell | Byzantine Parish Coordinator
                                       Customers line up
                                       waiting for the doors
                                       to open and thank
                                       us every year. We
                                       thank the GCU for
                                       the Parish Matching
                                       Funds program and
                                       for always supporting
                                       our church.

                                       Daryl Hannes | Byzantine
                                       Parish Coordinator

          20  GCU MAGAZINE   FEBRUARY 2025
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