Page 26 - February Mag 2025.2.6.2025.Web
P. 26


          St. Mary Magdalene
          Byzantine Catholic
          FairView parK, oH

                                                                               Drew Cipa with the beautiful holiday decor.

                                           Parish Coordinator Nancy Doerr, OCDS,   St. Basil the Great
                                           presenting the GCU Matching Funds
                                           check to Pastor Fr. John Kapitan, Jr. OFM.   Byzantine Catholic
                                          St. Joseph Byzantine                Sterling HeigHtS, Mi
                                          Catholic Church
                                          toronto, oH                         Holiday Season Fundraiser
        Parish Coordinator Thomas Kolba pre-                                  The annual wreath sale at St. Basil
        senting the GCU Matching Funds check   2024 Fall Potica Sale          Church was a success! Thanks
        from the European Festival fundraiser   Orders and sale of potica started   to Wiegand’s, a local nursery, for
        to pastor of St. Mary Church Fr. Vasyl   on September 9 and ran through   providing beautiful, decorative wreaths,
        Kupar.                            December 9. This very successful    poinsettias and porch pots. Special
                                          sale also benefited from the GCU    thanks to all who continue to support
                                          Parish Matching Funds program.      this annual fundraiser and to the GCU
                                                                              for the Parish Matching Funds.
                                          Nancy Doerr | Byzantine Parish Coordinator
                                                                              Anita Cipa | Byzantine Parish Coordinator

                                  St. John Chrysostom
                                  Byzantine Catholic Church
                                  ColUMbUS, oH

                                  20  Annual Christmas Cookie Sale
                                  On Saturday, December 14, St. John Chrysostom
                                  parish held their 20  Annual Christmas Cookie
                                  Sale. After many days of parishioners baking nut &
                                  poppyseed rolls, Baklava, hundreds of dozens of
                                  cookies and four different fillings of pirohi, it was   Parish Coordinator Kathy Krofcheck, Lisa Sulich,
       Customers being helped by the   time to set up the hall and open the doors. Over   Rose Ann Jirls, Fr. Robert Jager and Pat Papai.
       volunteers.                250 customers came thru and were thrilled with
                                  the variety of items to choose from. Thank you to
                                                       all the parishioners who
                                                       helped and the GCU
                                                       Parish Matching Funds
                                                       program for making
                                                       this the parish’s most
                                                       successful sale in 20

       Cookie sale volunteers pose for a group photo.  Kathy Krofcheck | Byzantine   Kitchen helpers.
                                                       Parish Coordinator
          24  GCU MAGAZINE   FEBRUARY 2025
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