Page 24 - February Mag 2025.2.6.2025.Web
P. 24
Fr. Anthony Constantino, George Kurash, former GCU Nation-
al Director Martha Seech and Greg Plumb.
St. John the Baptist St. Mary Byzantine Catholic Church
Byzantine Catholic Church aliqUippa, pa
Mingo JUnCtion, oH
Pirohi Project
Bakeless Bake Sale St. Mary Byzantine Catholic Church sold pirohi every
St. John Church held a bakeless bake sale to help Friday from September thru December. The parish
the parish with expenses. Pictured are GCU members is fortunate to have volunteers that are parishioners
Karen Lloyd, Parish Coordinator Carla Gasser, Fr. Ryan as well as members of other churches and of the
Liebhaber, Fr. John Kapitan, Cindy Pitroff and Joseph community. We welcome anyone that has the time to
Liebhaber. We would like to thank the GCU for the come and help any Tuesday thru Friday during the
Matching Funds. pirohi season.
Carla Gasser | Byzantine Parish Coordinator Kathryn Kapaldo | Byzantine Parish Coordinator
St. Mary Byzantine Catholic Church Holy Spirit
taylor, pa Byzantine Catholic Church
pittSbUrgH, pa (oaKland)
Annual Turkey
Bingo Check Presentation
St. Mary Byzantine Event Co-Chair
Church held its Lynne Walicki
annual Turkey presenting GCU
Bingo fundraiser in Parish Matching
the parish hall on Funds check from
November 10, 2024. the Art, Wine &
Doors opened at Words event to Fr.
noon with luncheon Michael Kunitz.
food and baked
goods for purchase. Mary Dzurichko | Byzan-
The day was filled tine Parish Coordinator
with bingo, winning basket raffles, money raffles and
door prizes. Fun was had by all. Parish Coordinator
Kelly Dougherty is shown presenting the GCU Parish
Matching Funds check to Very Rev. Eduard Shestak,
JCOL, STD from the event.
Kelly Dougherty | Byzantine Parish Coordinator