Page 37 - February Mag 2025.2.6.2025.Web
P. 37
St. Anne Byzantine Catholic Church
San lUiS obiSpo, Ca
GCU Parish Social Grant Activities
The GCU Parish Social Grant assisted St.
Anne Parish with a Movie/Pizza Night in
September and a St. Nicholas Potluck
& Party on December 8. Parish families
continued celebrating the Nativity of Our
Lord on Friday, December 27 with dinner
and a Christmas movie thanks to the grant.
Christina Aguirre | Byzantine Parish Coordinator
St. John Byzantine St. Nicholas of Myra Byzantine Catholic
Catholic Church Church
SCranton, pa poCono SUMMit, pa
Meeting and Lunch Annual St. Nicholas
A meeting and luncheon following Dinner
the Divine Liturgy on Sunday, Parish members were
January 19 was held to discuss treated to a sit-down
fundraising events for the coming dinner as well as a visit
year. Pierogi and halupki making from St. Nicholas at
projects, a chicken dinner and flower their annual St. Nicholas
sales were discussed. Due to an Dinner held on Sunday,
impending snow storm all items December 8. Everyone
were tabled until a later date. Thanks enjoyed the gathering
to the GCU Parish Social Grant for thanks to the GCU
providing the lunch. Parish Social Grant.
Karen H. Duricko | Byzantine Parish Coordinator Alberta Folsome | Byzantine
Members enjoying their food and fellowship.
Parish Coordinator
St. Mary Assumption Byzantine Catholic Church
new SaleM, pa
Blessing of Water
The blessing of water took place at St. Mary
Assumption Church by Fr. James Ragan
on Monday, January 6. Due to the weather
conditions, some parishioners could not
attend. Small bottles of blessed water were
available on the following Sunday for those
parishioners plus others who are homebound.
Thank you GCU Parish Social Grant for providing the funds for these bottles.
Bernadette Karoffa | Byzantine Parish Coordinator