Page 41 - February Mag 2025.2.6.2025.Web
P. 41
St. Andrew
Byzantine Catholic Church
weStbUry, ny
St. Andrew’s 50 Anniversary Celebration
A light lunch, anniversary cake and bottles of
champagne helped parishioners celebrate the 50
anniversary of Saint Andrew Church. The first Liturgy at
Saint Andrew was held on Christmas Day, December
25, 1974. The GCU Parish Social Grant program helped St. John the Baptist
purchase supplies for this celebration.
Byzantine Catholic Church
Margaret Russell | Byzantine Parish Coordinator Mingo JUnCtion, oH
Two Parish Gatherings
St. John Church held two get
St. Michael togethers thanks to the GCU Parish
Social Grant. The first one was July 28
Byzantine Catholic Church as a goodbye party for Fr. Tim Fariss,
FlUSHing, Mi as he was being transferred to a new
parish. We wish him and his wife Colby
St. Nicholas Celebration much happiness as they start their
A St. Nicholas visit and reception was held on new adventure together. The second
Saturday, December 7, 2024. The GCU Parish Social get together was for Saint Nicholas
Grant provided candy for the shoes, nachos and on Sunday, December 8. A wonderful
sandwiches. It made for a wonderful pre-Christmas luncheon was served, games were Colby & Fr. Tim Fariss.
celebration at the parish. played and prizes were passed out. It
was a fun afternoon to spend with our parish family.
Pat Chartier | Byzantine Parish Coordinator
Carla Gasser | Byzantine Parish Coordinator
St. Michael
Catholic Church
Mont Clare, pa
The group with St. Nicholas. St. Nicholas Luncheon
The St. Nicholas luncheon
was held
following the Fr. Andriy Kovach & wife Pani
Divine Liturgy Mariya with St. Nicholas.
on Sunday,
December 8. Holy Ghost Choir sang
the responses. Parishioners of Blessed
Virgin Mary Church in Coatesville,PA
were invited to attend the luncheon
provided by the GCU Parish Social
The ECF students doing a small program Grant.
about St. Nicholas.
Patricia Dietz | Byzantine Parish Coordinator