Page 38 - February Mag 2025.2.6.2025.Web
P. 38
Nativity of Our Lord
Byzantine Catholic Church
eaSt brUnSwiCK, nJ
St. Nicholas Party and After Liturgy Social The Chili Outing.
St. Nicolas Parish held a party at Ria Mar
Restaurant after Liturgy on December Annunciation
8. Attendees enjoyed a great meal and
fellowship. Thanks GCU for the Parish Social Byzantine Catholic Church
Grant program that assisted with funding. HoMer glen, il
(Photo is featured on the cover.)
Senior Chili Outing
Maryann Szticza | Byzantine Parish Coordinator Parish members and guests met on Wednesday, November 13,
2024 for the first senior gathering. The Rosary was prayed in
the church followed by a luncheon in the meeting room. Lunch
consisted of: famous Lindy’s chili, salad and luscious desserts.
It was a good time provided by the GCU Parish Social Grant.
St. Mary Byzantine
Catholic Church Agape #1 & Agape #2 Luncheons
neSqUeHoning, pa After liturgy on Sunday, December 1 and December 12, the
congregation gathered for
St. Nick Luncheon and Goodie Bags a luncheon and fellowship.
On Sunday, December 8 St. Mary parish Thank you GCU for the
held a St. Nicholas luncheon and distributed Parish Social Grant program
goodie bags to all in attendance. The GCU which helped fund these
Parish Social Grant program helped with the gatherings.
expenses for this event.
Ken Krown | Byzantine Parish Agape Luncheon.
Mary McKee | Byzantine Parish Coordinator Coordinator
Annunciation Byzantine Catholic Church
anaHeiM, Ca
GCU Parish Social Grant Provides
Funding for Multiple Events
Annunciation Byzantine Catholic
Church in Anaheim, CA used the
GCU Parish Social Grant to provide
an Easter Egg Hunt in April, End
of ECF School Year Treats and a
barbeque luncheon after Divine
Liturgy on Sunday, September 29
in appreciation for all our parish
volunteers. The barbeque also served
to help kick off the first day of Eastern
The volunteer appreciation barbeque luncheon. Christian Formation classes for the
new school year. Thank you GCU for
funding these events at our parish.
Deacon Gregory Gath | Byzantine Parish