Page 39 - February Mag 2025.2.6.2025.Web
P. 39

SS. Peter & Paul Byzantine
                                                                  Catholic Church
                                                                  beaVer MeadowS, pa

                                                                  Visit From Saint Nicholas
                                                                  Saint Nicholas visited the parishioners of SS Peter &
                                                                  Paul Byzantine Church after the Divine Liturgy on Friday,
                                                                  December 6. Everyone sang the “Hymn to St. Nicholas”
                                                                  then Saint Nicholas passed out gold chocolate coins
                                                                  and clementines to all in attendance. Thanks to the
                                       The group with St. Nicholas.
                                                                  GCU for the Parish Social Grant funding for the event.
                                                                  (Photo is featured on the cover.)
          St. John Byzantine Catholic Church
          lyndora, pa                                             Michael Komishock | Byzantine Parish Coordinator

                                      Visit From
                                      Saint Nicholas
                                      Thanks to the GCU for
                                      the Parish Social Grant     St. Mary Byzantine Catholic Church
                                      program, the parish was     windber, pa
                                      able to provide golden
                                      chocolate coins given       Annual Picnic
                                      from St. Nicholas to all    On Sunday, August 18 the parishioners enjoyed
                                      ECF students.               their annual picnic with Liturgy and socializing in the
                                                                  church hall. Thanks to the GCU for providing the food
                                      John Pocchiari | Byzantine
                                      Parish Coordinator          for this event through the Parish Social Grant.
       St. Nicholas with Fr. Radko Blichar, wife                  Thresa Valko | Byzantine Parish Coordinator
       Kate and sons Benjamin and David.

          St. Michael Byzantine Catholic Church
          CaMpbell, oH

                                             Poinsettias Delivered
                                             to Parish Shut-Ins &
                                             Nursing Home
                                             On Saturday,
                                             December 7, our high
                                             school ECF students
                                             delivered poinsettia
                                             plants to 6 parish
                                             homebound and 3
          Halloween Goodie Bags for Parish   nursing home residents. We thank the
          Children                           GCU Parish Social Grant Program for
          Halloween treat bags were made on   funding these events.
          October 29 for the parish children &
          they were passed out during the ECF   Ed Stanko | Byzantine Parish Coordinator
          class Halloween party.

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