Page 42 - February Mag 2025.2.6.2025.Web
P. 42
Nativity of the Mother of God
Byzantine Catholic Church
dUboiS, pa
Christmas Lunch
Ladies Auxiliary Christmas Lunch and
Exchange of Gifts was held on Monday,
December 2. Thank you GCU for offering our
parish the Social Grant funding. It assisted with
this event and the Mother’s & Father’s Day
events earlier this year. The group with St. Nicholas.
Grace Marshall | Byzantine Parish Coordinator
St. Thomas the Apostle
Byzantine Catholic Church
raHway, nJ
Ss. Peter & Paul St. Nicholas Dinner/Christmas Distribution of Lawn Signs
Byzantine Catholic Church On Sunday, December 8, thanks in part to the GCU Parish Social
pUnxSUtawney, pa Grant, the annual St. Nicholas Dinner was held. The event featured
a nativity performance by our ECF students, gifts, dinner and the
announcement of our annual St. Nicholas Award to a member of
the parish for service to the church. We purchased over 200 lawn
signs, which included the church’s name with Liturgy times, that
were given out to our parishioners as Christmas gifts.
David Brighouse | Byzantine Parish Coordinator
The Ladies Breakfast crowd.
Ladies Breakfast
The ladies of Ss. Peter & Paul Church enjoyed
a breakfast on Sunday, December 15 cooked
by the Men’s Club. It was a wonderful time
of fellowship and the ladies were very
appreciative. Thank you GCU for the Parish
Social Grant that was used for the event.
Julie Brocious | Byzantine Parish Coordinator
Visiting with St. Nicholas.
St. Nicholas of Myra
Byzantine Catholic Church
old Forge, pa
Feast of St. Nicholas Celebration
St. Nicholas visited the parishioners of St. Nicholas of Myra
Church for their annual feast day celebration on December 8,
2024. St. Nicholas was kind enough to bring a gift for all the
children who were in attendance. We thank the GCU for the
Parish Social Grant program funding.
Maria Calogero | Byzantine Parish Coordinator