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P. 46


                                      St. Therese Byzantine Catholic Church
                                      St. peterSbUrg, Fl

                                      Children’s Christmas Cookie Decorating
                                      On Sunday, December 15, a Christmas event was held for
                                      parish children after ECF classes. All the kids
                                      enjoyed decorating holiday cookies and
                                                        admiring the creativity of
                                                        each ones’ decoration.
                                                        Thanks to the GCU
                                                        Parish Social Grant for
       The kids enjoying dec-
       orating their Christmas                          providing the cookies and
       cookies.                                         decorating supplies.
                                                        Charles Allan Hunt | Byzantine
                                                        Parish Coordinator       Ken Koscho, Kristin Moss Koscho, Kristin Kos-
                                                                                 cho and Connie Sernulka at the Holiday baking
                                                                                 event held on December 22.

                                                                           St. Thomas the Apostle
                                                                           Byzantine Catholic Church
                                                                           gilbert, az

                                                                           St. Thomas Parish Family Holy Supper
                                                                           On Thursday, December 12, the annual
                                                                           parish family Holy Supper was held. Holy
                                                                           Supper is the traditional meal enjoyed
                                                                           by many families on Christmas Eve. The
                                                                           parish’s Holy Supper was intended to keep
                                                                           up the tradition of Holy Supper, especially
                                                                           for those parishioners and guests who live
                                                                           alone and/or have no family. Thank you
                                                                           GCU for the Parish Social Grant funding
                                                                           that was used to fund the event.
          St. Nicholas Byzantine Catholic Church
          lorain, oH                                                       Diane Hvasta | Byzantine Parish Coordinator

          St. Nicholas Day Celebration
          The 2024 St. Nicholas Day Celebration was held following the
          Divine Liturgy on Sunday, December 8. Everyone enjoyed the
          annual visit from St. Nicholas (GCU member Bruce Skibo) and
          thanks to the GCU Parish Social Grant program, we had treat bags
          and gifts to give to the children. We also had various giveaways
          supplied by the GCU Home Office for everyone in attendance.

          ECF Children’s Refreshments
          Refreshments were purchased with remaining GCU Parish Social
          Grant money for the children during Sunday ECF classes. All the
          kids enjoyed the treat before the Christmas break.

          Anne Dillon | Byzantine Parish Coordinator

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