Page 47 - February Mag 2025.2.6.2025.Web
P. 47

Dormition of the Mother of God
          Byzantine Catholic Church
          CleVeland, oH

          St. Nicholas Visit and Brunch
          With the assistance of the GCU Parish Social
          Grant, Dormition Parish hosted a visit and
          brunch in honor of St. Nicholas on
          Sunday December 8. He distributed
          gold coins to all present and gifts to all
          the children. Guests included Bishop
          Robert Pipta of the Eparchy of Parma.
          Photo is featured on the cover.                                                  St. Nicholas with Bishop
                                                                                           Robert Pipta.
          Rosemary Trompak | Byzantine Parish Coordinator

          St. Michael Byzantine Catholic Church                      Resurrection
          MerrillVille, in                                           Byzantine Catholic Church
                                                                     SMitHtown, ny
          Storage Containers Purchased
          The GCU Parish Social Grant was used by St. Michael        St. Nicholas Children’s Party
          Parish to purchase: baking supplies for nut rolls; storage   On Sunday, December 8, a St. Nicholas party
          containers for the cookies sold at the Altar Rosary Society   was provided for children & families of the parish
          bake sale and mailing supplies for parish shut-ins during   utilizing the GCU Parish Social Grant. Greeted
          the holidays. Thank you GCU for providing this funding to   by St. Nick, lunch was served, songs were sung,
          the parishes in the program.                               crafts & games for all. It was a fun afternoon for all
                                                                     in attendance.
          Jeanne Lazor | Byzantine Parish Coordinator
                                                                     Joanne Marcus | Byzantine Parish Coordinator

                                                 St. John the Baptist Byzantine Catholic Church
                                                 Uniontown, pa

                                                                                          ECF Christmas Gifts
                                                                                          The GCU Parish Social
                                                                                          Grant provided a
                                                                                          Christmas treat for the
                                                                                          ECF students at St.
       The pirohi workers.
                                                                                          John. A gift card to Dairy
                                                                                          Queen was given to each
          St. Nicholas Lunch for Pirohi Workers                                           student so they could
          St. John the Baptist Church and the GCU Parish                                  enjoy a holiday treat.
          Social Grant provided a lunch for the church
          pirohi workers on Thursday, December 5,                                         Stephen Petruska Jr. | Byzantine
          everyone enjoyed a great meal and good time.                                    Parish Coordinator

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