Page 45 - February Mag 2025.2.6.2025.Web
P. 45
Proto-Cathedral St. Mary Byzantine
of St. Mary Catholic Church
SHerMan oaKS, Ca bradenVille, pa
Three Events Benefit from GCU St. Nicholas Parish Breakfast & Visit
Parish Social Grant from St. Nicholas
The GCU Parish Social Grant was On Sunday, December 8, the parish
used to provide items for three gathered after Sunday Liturgy for a
parish events this past year. For breakfast social. St. Nicholas visited the
Easter—a Pascha lamb was bought children and presented each with a unique
for the Easter parish social. For gift bag. Children of all ages enjoyed the
the Parish Family Day on October morning and parents and grandparents
1 another lamb centerpiece was shared memories of past visits
purchased. For St. Nicholas from St. Nicholas. Thank you
Day icons and chocolate gold GCU Parish Social Grant for
coins were purchased for St. helping to make the event
Nicholas gifts for the children. possible.
Our Ruthenian Byzantine parish
celebrated these events with a Sue Wojciechowski Snyder | Byzantine
Romanian Byzantine parish that Parish Coordinator
uses our parish grounds.
John Michnya | Byzantine Parish
Ascension of Our Lord Byzantine Catholic Church
Clairton, pa
Festival of Trees
Ascension Church participated in
the Festival of Trees at the Clairton
Mike Sowko table. City Hall on December 17. Jessica
Dufalla, EFS instructor, planned
St. Nicholas Day Celebration a creative ornament idea. Taking
St. Nicholas Day was celebrated photos of the icons in church and
at Ascension Church on Jessica, Trish, St. Nick with Archie. cutting them in circles, she had the
Sunday, December 8. Children EFS children glue them to round
from the EFS program decorated the Jesse Tree foam disks creating a Icon ornaments.
during a program in church and sang Christmas beautiful ornament that represented our
carols. Afterwards, everyone was invited to a buffet church. We set up a tree and decorated
luncheon at the hall. Adults and children played it with the ornaments and a few wooden
Christmas games and joined in an old fashioned ornaments from Slovakia to prepare for
Christmas sing-a-long. GCU provided Christmas the four-day event. The event was free
carol booklets so everyone could participate. Jessica to visitors, and we received a number
& Christopher Dufalla led the singing. Then the of compliments and look forward to
long-awaited St. Nicholas arrived, greeting everyone planning additional ideas for decorating
and passing out chocolate coins. The children were next year. The GCU Parish Social Grant
anxious to sit with him and share their Christmas provided funding for these events.
lists. He gave the children a stocking filled with
candy, toys and a treat bag of surprises! Trish Roberts with the Trish Roberts | Byzantine Parish Coordinator
(Additional photo is featured on the cover.) decorated tree.