Page 43 - February Mag 2025.2.6.2025.Web
P. 43

St. Michael Byzantine Catholic Church
          pittSton, pa

          St. Michael’s Christmas Breakfast
          St. Michael Parish held a Christmas Breakfast for the
          Sunday School children and parishioners after Liturgy on
          Sunday, December 8.

          St. Michael’s Christmas Concert
          St. Michael Byzantine Catholic Church held
          its third annual Christmas Concert on Sunday,
          December 29 as a gift to the parish. The
          concert was followed by refreshments in the
          church hall. The GCU Parish Social Grant
          funded both of these events—thank you!

          Nancy Stout | Byzantine Parish Coordinator

          St. Mary Byzantine                    St. Mary Byzantine Catholic Church
          Catholic Church                       taylor, pa
          HerMinie, pa
                                                Pot-Luck Dinner for the Feast of Nativity of Mary
                                                The parish celebrated the Feast of the Nativity of St. Mary on Sunday,
          St. Mary Church held a Trunk-or-      September 8.
          Treat event on Saturday, October 26,
          2024. All enjoyed the event. Thanks   Christmas Concert Party
          GCU for the Parish Social Grant       On Sunday, December 22, St. Mary Parish held a Christmas Concert of
          program for assisting with funding.   Slavonic and English Christmas carols followed by a Christmas party. All
                                                enjoyed the pre-Christmas Social. The GCU Parish Social Grant program
          Mike Pochan | Byzantine Parish Coordinator  helped purchase items needed for both of the events.
                                                Kelly Dougherty | Byzantine Parish Coordinator

                                                St. Mary Byzantine                The Cathedral
                                                Catholic Church                   of St. John
                                                Hazleton, pa                      MUnHall, pa

                                                Parish Social & Holiday Bake Sale  ECF Coffee Socials
                                                A parish social & holiday bake was   Coffee socials were held every
                                                held after the 9 am Divine Liturgy   other week during the ECF
                                                on Sunday, December 15, 2024.     classes from September thru
                                                All parishioners in attendance    December for parents and
                                                were invited to the parish hall for   parishioners. Coffee, tea bags,
                                                refreshments and to partake of the   sugar, creamer, plates, napkins,
                                                holiday bake sale. Thanks to the   donuts, muffins and bagels were
                                                GCU for the Parish Social Grant that   all provided through the GCU
                                                was used for this event.          Parish Social Grant. Treats were
                                                                                  also purchased with the grant for
                                                Rick Hoppey | Byzantine Parish Coordinator  our Breakfast with St. Nicholas.

                                                                                  Patricia Bovee | Byzantine Parish Coordinator

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