Page 11 - OctoberMag2024.10.8.2024
P. 11

Lutheran World Relief Fabric Kits

          Valparaiso, IN. Fabric kits consisting of
          2 spools of thread and 6 yards of cotton
          fabric are sent by Lutheran World Relief
          to various places in the world. The kits
          provide an opportunity for people to
          learn a new skill (sewing) to provide for
          their families and earn a decent living.
          We were able to buy 147 yards of fabric
          with help from GCU GoGive! to donate to
          this effort.

          Carla Nolting

            OUR MEMBERS

          Elizabeth Martin

          Celebrates 90  Birthday

          On Saturday, July 20 GCU member
          Elizabeth Martin of West Homestead,
          PA celebrated her 90  birthday. The
          following day, along with her family,
          she began the day with a Liturgy of
          Thanksgiving at St. Andrew the Apos-
          tle BC Church in Gibsonia, PA celebrat-
          ed by Fr. Radko Blichar. Following the
          Liturgy Elizabeth and her family gath-
          ered to celebrate the occasion with a
          festive buffet luncheon at her daugh-
          ter’s home in Cranberry Twp., PA.
            She was born in New Salem, PA the   Betty Martin (center front) surrounded by clergy and family following a Liturgy of Thanksgiv-
          youngest child of John & Mary Havrilc-  ing honoring her 90  birthday.
          sak. Betty, as all of her friends call her,
          married the love of her life the late  great grandchildren.           Munhall, PA where Very Rev, Andrew
          Clifford Martin in May 1954. During   Elizabeth continues to live in the  Deskevich is the rector.
          their over 60 years of marriage, they  family home with assistance from all   May God continue to bless Eliza-
          raised a family of 6 children and were  of her children. She is a member of  beth with his love.
          blessed with 14 grandchildren and 9  the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist in

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