Page 7 - OctoberMag2024.10.8.2024
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The Byzantine Catholic pioneers came into this country If you are lacking that “thin
with an enormous treasure. This treasure is our holy faith place” or God Zone, start look-
and with this faith, they built the most beautiful churches ing for one. You’ll know it when
that became that “thin place” for many generations. you find it. And when you do,
Now we certainly believe that the Church itself is the you’ll experience the peace
whole people of God, united in faith in union with our bish- and joy that comes from hang-
ops. We know that the Church is not the buildings, and ing with God in your God Zone,
the glory of the Church is not in wealth, but according to experiencing that “thin place”
its purpose – to create the best environment for prayer, that transforms our lives into
to make different people – God’s people. temples for God.
So, do you have a “thin place” in your life? What we As I write these words, our
are called upon to do is to make our places, wherever “thin place” St. Nicholas Chapel
they are, into thin places. For Caesar and I being in the in Beaver, PA, at our GCU Home
woods is that one spot where we just feel super chill and Office will welcome Fr. Anthony
at peace. For you it may be your porch, a park, or even Costantino as the new admin-
your favorite coffee shop. These places are like your per- istrator of our beautiful chapel. Fr. Anthony Costantino.
sonal “God Zones” where you feel closer to God. Best wishes to Fr. Anthony as he began to serve at our St.
However, my friend, don’t forget and neglect attending Nicholas Chapel on Saturday, October 12.
your parish church! As we enter that “thin place” we are to Fr. Anthony Costantino is a native of Canonsburg, PA. He
be overwhelmed at the power of the place, because there was ordained a priest in the Roman Catholic Diocese of
is God! A holy place helps to make us fully human, to heal Phoenix in 2022. He spent seven years serving as a Fran-
our humanity and to set us free. There’s just something ciscan on the Gila River Indian Reservation south of Phoe-
about our churches. These “thin places” can make us be nix, AZ as well as in inner-city Detroit. After departing from
better, nobler, higher, truer, more beautiful. the Franciscan Order, he returned to the Pittsburgh area last
Over a hundred years ago our ancestors and the GCU re- year and began serving with the Byzantine Archeparchy of
alized how important it is for us to have a “thin place” or that Pittsburgh. As of July 1 he has been assigned as admin-
God Zone in our lives. Hav- istrator of St. Mary Byzan-
ing that special spot where tine Catholic Church in Am-
we can hang with God and bridge, PA and St. George
other believers. Remember, Byzantine Catholic Church
your parish church can be a in Aliquippa, PA. In addition
powerful God Zone where to these assignments, he is
you encounter God and feel excited to begin providing
His presence. Don’t take this spiritual and pastoral care
place or the people there for for the faithful of St. Nicho-
granted, they are our parish las Chapel in collaboration
family. Come ready to hang with GCU Spiritual Advisor
out with God and invite oth- Fr. Valerian Michlik.
ers to join you.
St. Nicholas Chapel in Beaver, PA.