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                                                                                       Jeff Long
                                                                                       Sales Director

                   Why GCU Aquila X

               is a Great Option for Retirement Income

                    he GCU Aquila X Fixed Index Annuity is an   4. Flexible Payout Options: Whether you prefer receiv-
                    excellent option for anyone looking to secure   ing a lump sum or monthly payments, the Aquila X offers
                    steady income during retirement. Here’s a   flexibility in how you access your funds. This makes it
                    breakdown of why it stands out as a smart re-  easier to tailor your retirement income to your lifestyle and
          T tirement solution:                                 financial needs.
                                                                5. Low Fees and Competitive Rates: GCU Aquila X of-
            1. Principal Protection with Market Like Growth: With
          Aquila X, your principal is always protected, even if the   fers competitive interest rates with low fees, so more of
                                                               your money stays invested and grows over time. This can
          market  drops.  However, you  can  still  benefit  from  mar-  make a big difference to your long-term financial outlook.
          ket-linked growth by earning interest based on the per-
          formance of a market index. This offers a good balance of   6. Backed by a Trusted Organization: The GCU has a
          safety and potential gains.                          long history of financial strength and stability, ensuring that
            2. Guaranteed Lifetime Income: One of the most valu-  your annuity is backed by a reliable institution. GCU has
          able features of the Aquila X is the ability to receive guar-  been providing trusted financial products for over 130 years,
                                                               giving policyholders confidence in their retirement plans.
          anteed income for life. This ensures that you won’t run
          out of money during retirement—giving you peace of    In conclusion, the GCU Aquila X offers a perfect com-
          mind and financial stability.                        bination of safety, flexibility, and growth potential, making
            3. Tax-Deferred Growth: The earnings in the Aquila X   it an ideal choice for anyone seeking a reliable source of
          grow tax-deferred, meaning you don’t pay taxes on the in-  retirement income.
          terest until you withdraw it. This allows your money to com-
          pound faster, increasing your retirement savings over time.

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