Page 8 - Industrial Technology January 2020
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         Upgrade delivers

         faster changeovers

                                                                                               Igus initiates first
         ELECTRONIC POSITION INDICATOR SYSTEM, MACHINE AND                                     recycling programme
         ADOPTED THE SYSTEM AS A STANDARD OPTION ACROSS ITS RANGE                              for energy chains

                   estRock  Linkx  Systems  manufacture                                                  hat  happens  when  a  plastic  energy
                   machines  and  integrated  lines  for  shelf-                                         chain  reaches  its  maximum  service
                   ready   packaging.   Solutions   include                                              life?  Usually,  it  is  disposed  of  and
         WBoxSizer  automatic  and  semi-automatic                                             Wincinerated  with  other  plastic  waste.
         warehouse dispatch 3PL ecommerce packaging lines. It                                  With its ‘Igus green chainge recycling program’, Igus
         also  manufactures  labour  saving  semi-automatic  re-                               is  now  doing  something  completely  new:  users  can
         packaging solutions for contract pack and 3PL companies.                              send  their  plastic  chains  to  igus  for  recycling  –
           A visit by a customer to the PPMA show introduced                                   irrespective of the manufacturer. They can eliminate
         Elesa’s  RF  wireless  electronic  position  indictor  system.                        disposal costs and also receive a voucher for making
         The customer subsequently asked WestRock Linkx to trial                               purchases from Igus.
         this  system  in  order  to  speed  up  machine  changeovers                             In  the  UK,  over  5  million  tonnes  of  plastic  is
         while ensuring reliable, repeatable accuracy. It proved to                            consumed each year – and yet only a quarter of it is
         be  a  like-for-like  fit  in  place  of  the  position  indicators                   recycled.  Even  though  a  long-lasting  plastic  energy
         previously installed. This enabled faster re-sets by use of  saves time and takes out much of the possibility of human  chain is not comparable with single-use plastics, the
         an  automated  controller  via  the  machine  PLC,  reducing  error.  Elesa  DD52R-E-RF  position  indicators  are  question  of  how  to  dispose  of  it  at  the  end  of  its
         operator time and operator error.        networked to the UC-RF control unit by radio connection  service life still arises. Normally, the energy chain is
           Customer  satisfaction  was  high  across  a  range  of  thus enabling an easy and quick installation. Current and  disposed  of  together  with  other  plastic  waste.
         machine  installations  leading  to  an  end  user  comment  target  positions  are  transmitted  by  RF  to  and  from  the  Recycling rarely occurs as the cost of separating the
         that  “this  cost-effective  upgrade  was  added  to  our  control unit, facilitating rapid machine set up.  different materials in a product and recycling them to
         machines in under two days, and has already made huge  The system consequently saves time during the format  make usable granulate (grinding) is too high. In most
         improvements to product change overs and set-up times.”   alignment process. Once the setup profile has been called  factories, the usual procedure is therefore to remove
           The team at WestRock Linkx was likewise impressed  up by the PLC, the control unit UC-RF transmits the target  energy chains from their machines and throw them
         Tom Whatling, technical sales manager, explained: “The  position  to  each  DD52R-E-RF  position  indicator.  The  into  industrial  waste  skips  for  incineration.  Igus  is
         Elesa wireless electronic positioning system enables faster  current/target  position  is  displayed  on  the  LCD  of  the  now offering an environmentally friendly alternative.
         and  more  reliable  machine  setup  by  use  of  a  wireless  DD52R-E-RF. The operator manually sets the position of  The aim of the program is to recycle the plastic
         connected  profile  controller,  which  displays  the  initial  the  spindles  following  the  arrow  displayed  on  the  LCD  from energy chains and reuse it for new products. To
         setup  values  on  each  of  up  to  36  electronic  position  (clockwise/counter-clockwise  rotation).  Once  all  the  this end, after cleaning them, users can send their old
         indicators.                              spindles  are  correctly  set,  the  UC-RF  control  unit  out-of-use plastic energy chains to Igus – irrespective
           “The  system  is  now  a  mainstream  option  on  all  our  communicates to the PLC of the machine that the setup  of the chain’s original manufacturer. The plastics are
         machines and can be retrofitted to our installations – even  has been completed – the system prevents the start of the  then  sorted,  cleaned,  shredded  and  packed.  After
         to other manufacturer’s machines where we are upgrading  machine until the set-up has been completed, for safety  this,  they  can  be  reused.  In  return,  the  customer
         a complete facility.”                    reasons and to prevent loss of production from incorrect  receives a voucher amounting to £0.25 per kilogram.
           Elesa’s  RF  electronic  positioning  system  enables  settings.                       Igus CEO Frank Blase said: “This is not something
         quicker  and  more  reliable  machine  set  up  by  use  of  a  The  UC-RF  controller  can  network  with  up  to  36  new  for  us.  As  the  world’s  biggest  manufacturer  of
         wireless  connected  profile  controller,  which  displays  the  position indicators and is compatible with PLC Interfaces:  plastic energy chains, we already recycle 99% of the
         initial set up values on each of up to 36 electronic position  RS232,  RS485,  Ethernet/IP,  Profibus  and  Modbus.  The  plastic waste occurring in production. The ‘chainge’
         indicators.  The  operator  can  simply  choose  the  DD52R-E-RF  (IP67)  position  indicator  6-digit  display  program  is  now  the  next  important  step  in  the
         appropriate menu then quickly re-set each spindle to its  mode can be selected by the operator.  direction of sustainable business operations.”
         correct start position and the machine is good to go. This  MORE INFORMATION:  MORE INFORMATION:

         Baumer announces partnership with MGA Controls

               ensing and instrumentation specialist Baumer is  Baumer.  Jon  Sumner,  managing  director  of  Baumer  UK  Describing  MGA  Controls  as  a  one  stop  shop,  sales
               pleased  to  announce  the  appointment  of  MGA  said: “This closer alignment between MGA Controls and  manager  Chris  Makin  added:  “We  This  agreement  with
               Controls as a process solutions partner. As a well-  Baumer  provides  us  with  greater  access  to  MGA  Baumer means we can offer an even more comprehensive
         Sestablished    control   and   instrumentation  customers  ensuring  a  more  targeted  approach  to  range of products which ultimately results in optimal
         specialist, Lancashire based MGA Controls is delighted to  promoting  individual  products  and  delivering  the  most  control and automation systems for our customers.
         underline this commitment following the agreement with  appropriate application solutions.”  MORE INFORMATION:

                                                                                                    INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY • January 2020
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