Page 2 - Outer Cape Health Services - IMPACT - Fall 2017
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Our shared impact
other specialty care options healthcare. In the end, it is all
including vision, dental, pharmacy about making certain that we
and radiology. continue to meet the needs of
these amazing communities we all
This inaugural newsletter is call home.
all about our patients, our
staff, our programs and the I hope you enjoy this newsletter.
communities that we are honored We’d love to get your feedback and
to serve. From Michelle Haynes’ hear about your own experiences
emotional story about her own with our caring professionals. You
healthcare journey, to Nurse Jean represent the future of our work,
King’s moving account of her and I encourage you to learn
commitment to the service of her more and stand with us on this
Pat Nadle, CEO patients and the gratification she amazing journey towards the next
gets from serving others, IMPACT 30 years. Your help, your vision
IMPACT. It’s a big word with a lot gives you a chance to “see behind and your charitable support will
of punch, but at the end of the the curtain” and experience why meaningfully impact the future
day, it’s really all about you as a all of us who work here at OCHS of your local community health
member of the Outer Cape Health enjoy what we do each day. center.
Services community. One final thought: I’m especially Together, our impact is strongest
You play a vital and irreplaceable proud to be able to tell you that when shared.
role in our ability to make 2018 marks our 30th anniversary Sincerely,
comprehensive primary care of incorporation and service
and behavioral health services to the Outer and Lower Cape
accessible to everyone, regardless communities. If you spend a few
of insurance status, from all walks minutes reading the story that
of life. As such, we offer many begins on page six, you will learn Pat Nadle
life-enhancing services such as that the growth that we are about Chief Executive Officer
WIC, insurance eligibility and to experience will take Outer Cape
enrollment assistance, patient Health Services to the next level
navigator programs, and many of comprehensive community
Board of Directors Senior Leadership
Chief Executive Officer
Pamela French, MD, MPH, DTMH Christopher M. Duff, MDiv
President Terry Cote, CPA
Fred Gaechter Chief Financial Officer
Ed McManus Board Member Emeritus
First Vice President Andrew Jorgensen, MD, FACP,
Penelope Keyl, MSc, PhD FAAP
Mary Grace Smith BA, MA, ABD Chief Medical Officer
Second Vice President Stephen Roehm, MBA
Jayne Carvelli Sheehan, MSN, Jean Callum, MHA
Nancy Howard, MEd, MBA Chief Operating Officer
Treasurer RN, CS
Robin Reid, Esq Susan Spear, MD Kathleen Weiner, CFRE
Chief Development Officer
Clerk Donna Roehn Ward, MBA
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