Page 6 - Outer Cape Health Services - IMPACT - Fall 2017
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Pediatrics is just one service to be expanded into a larger Provincetown renovations are complete to deliver
OCHS Harwich Port clinic in late 2018. Patient-Centered Medical Home (PCMH) care.
Growing to serve our community
Thirty years ago, when range of services and treatment importantly, our patients tell
Outer Cape Health Services for each patient. us we have exceeded their
incorporated as a community expectations.
health center, we started with In addition, we converted existing
two small health facilities in space into three suites to provide Harwich
Provincetown and Wellfleet. increased access for walk-in care.
The Cape has grown since then, To further improve the quality of As the Lower Cape towns of
and we need to expand in order the services our patients receive, Orleans, Chatham, Brewster, and
to provide for the increased we added a private consultation Harwich have grown, we have
demand for services across our area to our on-site seen the resulting
eight-town service area. Here’s a 340B pharmacy, When completed need for healthcare
quick look at what has happened enabling patients services, and we are
recently and what you can to consult and fully staffed actively responding.
anticipate in the next couple of privately with their next year, the To fulfill our vision
years: pharmacist. Finally, Harwich Port of increasing
we reconfigured healthcare services
Provincetown existing space health center will to address the
to create a “mini serve up to 10,000 glaring need that
Our Provincetown health center call-center” for unique patients exists in the Lower
just put the final touches on its our pharmacy, Cape communities,
long-awaited Patient Centered allowing them to at this location we are beginning
Medical Home renovations. This make and receive through 35,000 renovations of
project started in early 2017, and more calls from the building we
involved completing necessary customers. Our visits each year. have leased at 710
updates that allow us to provide vision of enhancing Route 28. When
team-based services for our every patient’s experience is completed and fully staffed late
patients. During the renovations focused on ensuring greater next year, the Harwich Port health
we converted existing office operational efficiency, enhanced center will serve up to 10,000
space into team-based “pods” communication among team unique patients at this location
where our medical staff can more members, and seamless through 35,000 visits each year.
closely collaborate to deliver a full coordination of care. Most