Page 3 - Outer Cape Health Services - IMPACT - Fall 2017
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King enjoys the ability to juggle
multiple cases as a team nurse
for Dr. Barbara Prazak and Dr.
Todd Spencer. The three share an
office meant for one. While the
quarters are tight, the environment
facilitates closer communication
and collaboration.
“As a community
health center, we’re
taking care of
people of all ages
and walks of life.”
“With Dr. Prazak and Dr. Spencer,
and our combined approach,
we are able to help people get
through many health crises in their
Jean King, RN at the lives. I’ve raised three children of
Wellfleet Health Center my own, so I understand when
RN Jean King Finds a Sense of Place patients or family members are
feeling anxious. My job is to get
& Community them the care they need while
educating them along the way. If
Registered Nurse Jean King has Different facets of her storied you can help patients to be better
done and seen it all when it comes nursing career come into play educated on their health and
to nursing. For more than 25 years, every day. “One minute I can options, they seem to manage it
she has navigated a gauntlet of be giving a baby vaccines, and better.”
varying healthcare environments, the next minute I might be
including taking time out to care administering wound care to a “Through the team model of care
for her own sick family members. 90 year-old,” shares King. “As a practiced here, I get to see the
At Outer Cape Health’s Wellfleet community health center, we’re same people over and over again,
health center, she gets to apply taking care of people of all ages and that continuity of care helps
all those professional and life and walks of life.” us to provide more consistent and
experiences under one roof for a informed care. We get to know the
community she has come to love For King, it is both her patients person for who they are on a first-
and call her own. and her committed health center name basis.”
colleagues that get her going
A native of New York, King has in the morning. “You have a King makes sure no one will
forget her, even wearing brightly
worked as a school and public team behind you here at OCHS colored smocks that she says
health nurse, made rounds for a while also having a great deal of help her patients to be more alert
visiting nurse association and as independence to render expert and engaged. “My colleagues
a private duty hospice nurse, and care. Every day is something and I all share the same level of
spent years as a young ICU nurse different, and knowing that I am commitment to the community.
for heart transplant patients in making a difference, that’s what It’s why we’re all here.”
a busy, high-pressured medical gets me up. I love the variety and
surgical unit. camaraderie.”