Page 7 - Outer Cape Health Services - IMPACT - Fall 2017
P. 7
30 years
The incorporation of Outer Cape
Health Services dates back to the
October 1, 1987 merger of Health
Associates of Provincetown,
Inc. (HAPI founded in 1972)
with Wellfl eet’s Association for
Improving Medical Resources of
Cape Cod (AIM founded in 1963).
In spite of our growth and history,
a constant has been a strong and
resilient community where people
care about and depend on one
another. Healthcare for all is a
critical part of that caring that today
Wellfl eet is also implementing the PCMH model which will be includes pharmacy, dental care,
in place for site expansion and renovations. digital radiology, mammography
Growing to serve our community behavioral health services, vision
and bone density screening,
care, dermatology, and more.
Primary care in a team- As construction moves toward
based environment will be completion in Harwich Port,
complemented by a wide range planning for the Wellfl eet
of behavioral health services at replacement project will be
our new Family Resource Center, underway. We anticipate that the
as well as opioid outpatient new Wellfl eet health center, to
treatment, lab, pharmacy, and be built in phases on the current
selected specialty care. We also site at 3130 Route 6, will afford
look forward to introducing a patients and clinicians alike with
Community Wellness Space 50% more space than the current
where patients, community building.
members and partner
organizations will come together As in Provincetown and
to share in expanding wellness Harwich, this facility will feature
for all through a variety of a team-based medical home
collaborative programs. Planning environment. “Wellfl eetians”
is underway now and we expect will appreciate an updated mid-
that construction will start later century modern design that uses
this year. clean lines, a low-rise approach,
and plenty of glass to provide a
Wellfl eet frame for the abundant natural
beauty that surrounds the area.
The goal: today’s healthcare
Our Wellfl eet health center has delivered in a setting that honors
operated in the same building— the Outer Cape’s classic palette of
an original Sears and Roebuck dunes, marsh, pines, and sea. Do you have a photo and/or historic
“catalog” building—for 51 years. OCHS memory to share for our next
Healthcare delivery has changed newsletter?
radically since then, and we’re
ready for redesigned space that is Call or email Gerry Desautels at
better equipped to deal with the (508) 905-2853 or
needs of our patients.